Famous Kaunas plastic surgeon on fire: “This is a brutal act against my family”


Immediately after the event, on Thursday morning, 15 minutes The journalist could not contact the pioneer of plastic and reconstructive microsurgery in Kaunas, who runs the plastic surgery center of his name in this city, at that time the surgeon was operating and the operation lasted a long time.

However, on Thursday night, a doctor whose name is known to the editorial board agreed to share a brief comment with 15 minutes Readers described the arson fire as a brutal act against his family.

Kaunas Fire and Rescue Board Photo / Burned Car

Kaunas Fire and Rescue Board Photo / Burned Car

“Throughout my life, neither the company nor our family cars have been damaged or burned any more. This is the first time this has happened and it is a brutal act against our family and society”, the plastic surgeon did not hide his emotions about the attack.

Because a chain of burning cars has led to a pre-trial investigation, the victim is unable to make a broader comment, or, furthermore, speculate and reveal possible versions and directions of the investigation.

“First, it needs to be investigated whether it is arson or destroying company property, because more cars have been burned.” If it turns out that the cars, or one of them, were set on fire, then it is no longer for me, but for the pre-trial investigation officers and the prosecutor’s office to identify the perpetrators and take the criminal case to court, “he said. the interlocutor.

When asked if the burned Range Rover cars were the personal property of a family or a managed company, the plastic surgeon mentioned the second option. Nor could he name the specific damage he had suffered as a result of the possible incendiary action.

Kaunas Fire and Rescue Board Photo / Burned Car

Kaunas Fire and Rescue Board Photo / Burned Car

“We are waiting for insurance to calculate the loss. I do not think about it now. I care about our safety,” said the doctor.

When asked if he suspected anyone, or perhaps it was an accidental arson, the plastic surgeon revealed, “We suspect neighbors.” The doctor did not enter into a wider discussion about which cat ran between his family and those neighbors.

15 minutes Remember that on May 7, at 03.06, a message was received that a car was on fire on Kaunas Green Street.

Firefighters arrived on the scene 10 minutes later – 3:16 p.m. When they arrived, they saw that not one but three Range Rovers and VW Passat were burning in the open flame.

The fire burned flammable parts of the Range Rover, a thermally exposed body, burned the tires of another Range Rover, and thermally exposed body parts.

The flammable parts of the passenger compartment of the VW Passat parked next to it, as well as the thermally affected trunk and car body, were also burned.

According to preliminary data, as of Thursday morning 15 minutes Džiuginta Vaitkevičienė, a spokesperson for the State Fire Supervision Division of the Kaunas Fire and Rescue Board, said the fire was caused by an external fire source, investigative material is being released to police.

Only the trunk lid of a car remained. It was even difficult for researchers to discover the samples needed for the study.

This event is subject to a pre-trial investigation into destruction or damage to property (in accordance with Article 187 (2) of the Penal Code).
