Extraordinary criminal: it turned out that the destroyer demolished the arrested village


The businessman Artūras Dankovskis had no right to demolish the interwar village in Perkūnas Alley, not only because of the demands of heritage conservationists. You have been temporarily restricted in ownership of this property for almost a year.

The shadow of a great robbery

Currently, that ruling is pending before the Kaunas District Court. In it, A. Dankovskis is accused of realizing property acquired for crimes related to a grand robbery in Belgium. For officials, the businessman is also trying to follow stories similar to those of the public outraged by his actions in Žaliakalnis. And his wife is asking the court to release the man from criminal liability on his bail.

The mentioned property – 180 thousand. Euro film crew. And this, according to the data of the Vilnius law enforcement officers who prepared the case for the court, is only part of the prey of criminals who committed a grand robbery in Belgium a few years ago.

A. Dankovskis also tells cold-faced cynical tales in the Kaunas District Court, whose threshold has been mentioned for more than half a year. (Photo by Justina Lasauskaitė)

In court, A. Dankovskis tried to allege that he had received extremely expensive film equipment from a person whose data had been accidentally erased. Apparently he called him because he had previously rented that equipment. And he asked if he knew who needed it.

A. Dankovskis also created a story reminiscent of a fairy tale about the acquisition of this weapon.

Unmasked by civilians

According to the data of the case, in such circumstances, in the summer of 2018, this filming technique met the well-known video operator and director Nerijus Brokas, who today is on trial together with A. Dankovskis.

N.Brokas claims that the film camera received from A. Dankovskis filmed a runner. But he, as promised, did not pay him for it. To make up for the losses, he went to a filming site, where it turned out that his film camera was missing certain parts or accessories. He was told about it by professionals working at this filming site, who also learned that this filming technique was stolen. The data found on the Internet showed it in Belgium. The true owner of this property was also called, who likely contacted the Vilnius law enforcement officers who initiated this pre-trial investigation.

During the search, only one box of this film camera was found in the house of A. Dankovskis. He said that after N. Brok returned this to him, he in turn returned it to the person from whom he received this filming technique. Due to the aforementioned explanations of A. Dankovskis, why he no longer has his data, it was not possible to determine this person.

However, during a search at the home of A. Dankovskis, a 9mm “Browning” caliber pistol and 20 rounds of ammunition that were in the safe were found in the safe.

Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis

Another fairy tale

A. Dankovskis also created a story reminiscent of a fairy tale about the acquisition of this weapon. He allegedly found a gun in the bushes near the house, leading the dog. And he didn’t report it to the police because it was too late, he didn’t want to bother him.

A. Dankovskis has also been charged with illegal possession of weapons and ammunition, for which he has been threatened with arrest or imprisonment for up to five years. The Penal Code provides for a fine or arrest, or imprisonment of up to four years, for the realization of criminally acquired assets.

A. Dankovskis, the first confrontation with Temide, presented himself to the Vilnius law enforcement officers who prepared this case for the court, as the director of a company registered in Great Britain.

Trying to outwit in court

Initially, in January this year, the case was transferred to the Vilnius City District Court. However, he sent her to Kaunas, according to the location of the crimes charged against A. Dankovskis, 38, and N. Brokas, 40.

The first hearing of this case in the Kaunas District Court took place just before the announcement of the first quarantine. However, before that, on February 5, before the trial of the case in court, the temporary restriction of A. Dankovskis’ rights to property ownership was extended. That decision was made in November last year, before the end of the pre-trial investigation, by the Vilnius law enforcement officers who carried it out, regarding the possible obtaining of a civil lawsuit in this case. The list of properties to which A. Dankovskis’s property rights were temporarily restricted in November last year also includes an art deco interwar villa on Perkūnas Avenue, which he bought five years ago.

Photo by Justina Lasauskaitė

A. Dankovskis’s wife is also trying to circumvent the law, asking the court to release him from criminal liability under her guarantee. However, such an exception is only possible when a person is charged with a single crime. A. Dankovskis admits that he illegally kept the gun and ammunition. If you really didn’t know, as you claim, that the filming technique you were trying to perform was stolen, after N. Brok gave it back to you and indicated why, you both already knew, but you continued to behave criminally.

Will require rebuilding

The Kaunas city municipality and the State Construction and Territorial Planning Inspectorate (VTPSI) should require that the building in Perkūno Alley be restored by restoring identical facades, according to the report from the Department of Cultural Heritage (CRD).

“The special plan did not foresee the demolition of this building. According to the laws regulating the protection of cultural heritage, the building must exist. In fact, it must be rebuilt,” said Andrius Liakas, chief specialist of the Kaunas branch of the CRD. .

The VTPSI must issue an order to restore the part of the house of Petras Ruseckas (1883-1945), a former bookseller, participant in the struggle for independence, writer and journalist, which was demolished in Žaliakalnis.

Heritage guards will work through the court to rebuild the interwar village. (Photo by Justina Lasauskaitė)

“For this we have to reach a conclusion about the protection of the heritage if it is possible to restore it. If possible, we will sign an order to restore it. We sent the request to both the Department of Cultural Heritage and the Municipality of the City of Kaunas,” said Edmundas , Head of the First Construction Supervision. Danilevičius.

According to E.Danilevičius, the demolition of the building has been suspended indefinitely, pending further instructions.

A great resonance arose in Kaunas, when the demolition of the famous interwar architect Aleksandras Gordevičius began in 1928 on Perkūnas avenue. built chalet.

Heritage conservationists acknowledge that the house of Perkūno al. 11 is not included in the Register of Cultural Heritage, but they emphasize that the territory where this village is located is a cultural heritage site protected by the Municipality of the City of Kaunas. 2012 The municipal council approved the special plan of the 1st Žaliakalnis Cultural Reserve of the municipality of the city of Kaunas. All this reserve is registered in the Register of Cultural Heritage.

According to Saulius Rimas, head of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the Kaunas City Municipality, the municipality’s lawyers are currently analyzing the available documents and the possibilities of what measures should be taken.

“We will work so that the demolition of the building does not continue. The second is to restore the house, eliminate the consequences of arbitrary construction by preparing a restoration project. Third, that those who break the law are punished for such behavior,” said Rimas. .

“I hope that the owner of the building understands that he will not receive permission to demolish the building and will voluntarily prepare a project to restore and restore the building,” he added.

According to the CRD, half of the building was demolished and some valuable authentic interwar details were destroyed: doors, windows, radiators.

“Determination of the amount of damage and its recovery will be decided by CRD’s attorneys,” the department said in a statement.

A pre-trial investigation has been launched for the destruction of a cultural property.

Source: BNS
