Experts Assessed the SAM Scandal: There Could Have Been a More Radical Option


However, the opinions of political experts on the situation in the ministry itself and its core, when Aistė Šuksta assumed responsibility and resigned from the position of communication advisor to Arūnas Dulkis, differ slightly.

The political scientist of the University Mykolas Romeris (MRU) Rima Urbonaitė says that he sees history as a kind of signal for the future work of the Government, while the professor of the University Vytautas Magnus (VMU) Lauras Bielinis assures that the ministry led by A Dulkis responded well by saying goodbye to the counselor. Furthermore, he points out, the situation in public space itself was exaggerated.

“It just came to our knowledge then. This time, the decision was made to donate not to the most important people, just to someone who worked directly with communication. In general, I think there were more reasons for such a step, because they have arisen before questions about the working methods and decisions of this advisor ”, said R. Urbonaitė to Eltai.

However, the political scientist pointed out that the adviser’s resignation was not necessarily the only way to respond to last week’s “Other Talks” scandal.
According to her, a “softer solution” has been chosen, which will allow opponents to question the government’s reputation for at least some time.

“A lot of people may want a Dust Head. The advisor has already left, but it wasn’t necessarily the only possible core of the story. There could have been a more radical option for the resignation of the minister himself, and it could have existed, as in this one. In this case, a softer option for the resignation of the person in charge of the communication function. Now a softer option has been chosen, “said the MRU political scientist.

“Be that as it may, this trip is not just a trip for you. Such maneuvers partially involve the entire Government in the reputation mill,” said R. Urbonaitė, noting that the situation itself, which required the resignation of the advisor , will still have to be evaluated in detail by the Government.
Today, we see the confidence expressed by the Prime Minister and at the same time a warning to all ministers to avoid such decisions. But such a position derives, probably, from the basic position of not changing the composition of the cabinet at this time, and not because something very bad is not visible in this story. Only the blind cannot see the flaws of such actions. But changing the composition of a cabinet is not just a click of your fingers and would not necessarily lead to a reduction in stress. Those who are likely to make the final decisions probably understand, “said R. Urbonaitė.

L. Bielinis: We are watching the Minister very closely, so each nuance becomes an equation of an explosion.
Meanwhile, Lauras Bielinis, a professor at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), said he thought reactions to the ministry-bought program were somewhat inflated. In his opinion, it is clear that the Minister is not responsible for the situation, so the resignation of the adviser is a rational and logical action.

“Obviously, the minister is not directly obliged to control public relations policy. Yes, he sees a common process, but what is actual depends on the decisions made and how the responsible department implements them,” L. Bielinis commented on Eltai.

He noted that the reaction of the ministry, when it was the minister’s advisor, and not a superior person, who resigned after the scandal in public space, is entirely understandable.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Because the person who started and finally did not look at all the nuances, he becomes responsible. The Minister is not responsible for this particular matter, he is responsible for the general political and economic activities of the Ministry. We are very vigilant. closely to the minister, this ministry, so each nuance becomes an equation of an explosion. Let’s not exaggerate, it is not an explosion, “Bielinis said, and he had no doubt that the opposition will continue to escalate the issue.

“I am sure that the opposition will do everything possible to seize this opportunity and demand maximum fines and penalties. But this is a natural action of the opposition,” summarized L. Bielinis.

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