Even the Lithuanian nobility tasted Christmas Eve: a historical recipe Food


Marius Daraškevičius, a researcher of manor heritage, says that in the 19th century. Christmas Eve was considered the culmination of the year. On that day the dry fast was strictly observed, the dinner radiated serenity, and family members who had left Anapilin were kindly remembered.

“Not only did a noble family sit at the Christmas table in grand mansions, but those without it felt lonely. Usually it was several dozen people from different backgrounds and financial backgrounds. The seriousness , understanding and sharing were considered the values ​​of this celebration ”, explains the researcher of the heritage of the manor.

Photo by Lina Fisheye / Marius Daraškevičius

Photo by Lina Fisheye / Marius Daraškevičius

Aesthetics of the festive table in the 19th century. there was no luxury, there was no collectible silver or porcelain in it. However, according to M.Daraškevičius, sometimes a separate table was prepared on Christmas Eve, where only the family of knights could sit, having previously performed the functions of the owners of the mansions and staying with the festival guests. Such a table could already be covered with expensive utensils or silverware inherited from previous generations.

Christmas Eve dinner was modest even in wealthy mansions. With the exception of spices, herring, dried fruits or walnuts, it used to serve the delicacies of the mansion of orchards, orchards, forests and fields. Hot fish, borscht, meatballs, meatballs, compote, kisses, kvass and wine were also served at the table.

M.Daraškevičius says that similar dishes, which we can find today on the Christmas table, were tasted not only by the nobility, but also by the counts, because this holiday was not intended for pride.

Historical Christmas recipe

The restaurant “Kuchmistrai”, housed in the former kitchen of the Zypliai mansion, appreciating the historical culture and gastronomic heritage of the mansions, gives special meaning to the traditions of Lithuanian cuisine and constantly encourages foodies to move to the nineteenth century. and know the gourmet dishes of our ancestors.

Photo of the Kuchmistrai restaurant Christmas table

Photo of the Kuchmistrai restaurant Christmas table

The chef and chef of the restaurant shares a special Christmas recipe, which will help bring some flavors of old Lithuanian traditions to Christmas, which is mixed with a pandemic.

Traditional Christmas Eve in Kuchmistrus


  • 50 g of powdered oats;
  • 50 g of wheat grains;
  • 50 g of barley cereals;
  • 90 g of dried cranberries;
  • 20 g of pistachio seeds;
  • 20 g of hazelnuts;
  • 70 g of honey;
  • 20 g of poppy seeds.


1. Pour in the poppy water for at least 24 hours. we soak them. Then we sift and grind the coffee grinder.

2. In 2 separate pots add water, a pinch of salt and bring to a boil. Boil barley for 15 minutes, wheat and oats together – 20 minutes. Boil the cooked beans and rinse with cold water.

3. Grind the walnuts with a flat part of the knife, heat the honey to make it more liquid. We put all the ingredients in a larger bowl and mix well.

Photo of the Kuchmistrai restaurant Christmas Eve

Photo of the Kuchmistrai restaurant Christmas Eve
