Evelina Dobrovolska’s candidacy continues to arouse passions: Azubalis hopes to receive answers at faction meeting


Upset over Ms Dobrovolska’s candidacy arose when it became clear that she had not completed her master’s degree and that she might not have enough experience for such an important position.

Not only their skills but also their appearance were discussed. His nationality, which represents the American poet Ch. Bukowski, because he was mistaken for the Polish war figure Lucian Zheligowski. This historical figure was dated October 8, 1920. The staged uprising of Zheligovsky, the Polish army led by him, began on October 9. Occupied Vilnius and Vilnius region. That occupation remains a painful subject in the memory of Lithuania.

However, A. Ažubalis shared the issues raised publicly by Rūta Visocnik on Facebook, which continued the discussion on the powers of E. Dobrovolska and asked about the priorities of the candidate.

According to Visocnik, human rights, the “emptying” of prisons and the abolition of criminal responsibility for certain acts or omissions (decriminalization of certain acts) are not insignificant, but they are not the most important in the judicial system. He also added that almost everyone had already learned to speak abstractly about “human rights.”

What do I expect from the Minister of Justice?

1. Speak out boldly about the fact that the biggest problem in the judicial system is corruption. Make at least three concrete proposals to reduce corruption, for example, starting with the Law on the Legal Profession, preventing the actors expelled from the “structures” from entering the Legal Profession.

2. Boldly defend the right of citizens to participate in the administration of justice, thus reducing the closure of access to professional law firms and access to justice. I am referring to the introduction of the jury institute in certain categories of cases and to public participation in the procedures for the appointment / dismissal of judges and prosecutors.

3. Realize that the implementation of human rights must be based on people’s awareness (perception of their rights and ability to realize them). Talk more about education, training, dissemination of good practices and less about the role of the State and satellite organizations as “rescuers” and “guardians”.

4. Realize that the number of NGOs does not yet mean the maturity of civil society. Promote the strengthening of civil society “from below”, that is, explain to people why it is convenient to join real organizations of civil society and take measures so that they have all the tools to achieve their objectives. Including the reform of the Law on Administrative Procedures, expanding the circle of people who can challenge illegal actions / decisions of public administration entities.

5. To say frankly that we continue to live under the Soviet Code of Criminal Procedure, which does not guarantee the realization of the principle of presumption of innocence or real protection. As an urgent measure, an amendment to the CPC would be proposed, stipulating that ALL procedures, including cross-examination of witnesses and suspects, should be videotaped or at least audio recordings, which would accompany the case to court.

6. Make concrete proposals on how to overcome the virus of outsourcing, unreasonable cases of people tracking.

7. That, with respect to the exhaustion of places of detention, must not be forgotten that in those places flourishes a mobster system, involving both officials convicted of certain condition, and favors having them “offer “Constant of convicted exploit them to carry out their criminal schemes.

8. That you will have the courage to be face to face with prof. Nekrošiai and permanently open the tap through which the Lithuanian people are impoverished. It is not about avoiding financial obligations or judicial decisions, but about certain safeguards that will prevent the debtor from falling to the brink of life and that will make the person realize that the debt is not the end of life.

9. To initiate changes in order to strengthen the terribly weak role of the prosecution: protection of the public interest, “raised such issues.

Seimas member A. Ažubalis also supported these issues. When Delfi contacted him and asked him to comment further, he said it was all stated on Visocnik’s Facebook post.

“What I wrote and shared was my comment. This candidacy raises questions for me. I hope that when we meet in the group, we will get answers. We will speak to the candidate when they come to the group. “Our party always makes decisions together, and then we decide,” he said in summary.

The nomination was announced Wednesday.

Publicly nominated on Wednesday as a candidate for justice minister, Ms Dobrovolska said she would like to continue implementing the principles of the rule of law, cutting red tape and ensuring that people serving their sentences do not return to prisons. He did not hide the fact that he had already met with the country’s advisers and was pleased to see no significant differences in attitudes towards the challenges of the system.

Evelina Dobrovolska's candidacy continues to arouse passions: Azubalis expects to receive answers at faction meeting

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

“I am really determined, and when it comes to priorities, the principle of the rule of law is the most relevant these days. I think this direction should be considered, we have cases of the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights – ELTA) and decisions of Lithuanian courts, which clearly indicate a guideline on what relationships should be regulated, what legislation is needed, ”said Eltai E. Dobrovolska.

The candidate nominated by the Freedom Party to head the Ministry of Justice also stressed the importance of also addressing the challenges of the Department of Prisons. “I think we should change the same focus and purpose, because the problem is not only the number of prisoners, but also the fact that many people who have already served a custodial sentence are returning to that system. As a result, we are not working well to correct their behavior and prepare them for a life in which prisoners can legitimately pursue their goals, ”explained Dobrovolska.

According to her, the goal should be to prevent people who have not committed violent crimes from entering prisons. Furthermore, Ms Dobrovolska emphasized that the justice system must be reviewed and that the sanctions must be adequate. “We should also talk about the legal charges. We see that in some cases there is not even a dispute between them, so it is likely that they can be transferred from the functions of the courts to notaries, bailiffs and lawyers,” said the parliamentarian.

According to E. Dobrovolska, the judicial system should also distribute functions rationally and reduce bureaucracy. “My focus and objective is that the law is at the service of the people and that the entire legal system is clear, transparent and accessible to the public,” emphasized the candidate for the position of Minister of Justice.

Prisons are not an end in themselves

Speaking of the vision of the transformation of prisons, Ms Dobrovolska emphasized that “prisons are not an end in themselves and we are not talking about buildings.” “The issue of the Department of Corrections should be systematically expanding alternatives to punishment, conditional freedom and how to ensure that a person does not return to prison,” said Dobrovolska.

E. Dobrovolska did not hide the fact that he had already met with the advisers of President Gitan Nausėda. “We have discussed the challenges and possible solutions in the field of justice. What makes me very happy is that I have not seen any fundamental discrepancies in approach to problems and solutions. We agree that the legislation must be of high quality and the citizens and the Presidency must be involved in it, not in the last stage, “said Eltai, the candidate for minister.

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