Environmentalists warn: fines for obstructing controls


Officials from the Klaipėda Wildlife Protection Inspectorate, who drew up a protocol of administrative misconduct for the hunter for violations of the Hunting Law, noticed that a suspicious SUV was passing through the desert.

When it was suspected that it was illegal hunting, a decision was made to stop and inspect the vehicle. Environmentalists stopped the car with blue beacons because it was already a dark hour. The agents introduced themselves to the driver by presenting a service card and wearing the uniform of environmental agents.

To control the driver, the environmentalists asked to open the trunk and show what was inside the car. The person refused to obey the legal demands of the officials, refused to present an identity document.

“The driver continued to claim that he had been detained unjustifiably and that environmentalists had no right to inspect his vehicle. The person’s behavior was aggressive and confrontational, so we requested the help of police officers. Upon arrival, the person further explained that environmentalists do not have the right to inspect it, so he refuses to communicate. This behavior prevented officials from carrying out environmental protection checks, ”says Vitalis Marozas, head of the Klaipėda Wildlife Protection Inspectorate.

The police established the driver, and a protocol of administrative misconduct was drawn up for obstructing state environmental control. A fine of between € 80 and € 780 is applied for this breach.

Environmental officials recall that Article 3 of the Law on State Control of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Lithuania establishes that to ensure legality and public order in the field of environmental protection and the use of natural resources, institutions state environmental control and officials organize and carry out preventive activities. People comply with the requirements of the laws and other legal acts that regulate the protection of the environment and the use of natural resources.
