“A personal brand is a human reputation,” says Catherine. – Everything that makes up the image of a person: appearance, clothing, how he speaks, why other people remember him. Do you associate it with certain events, themes, appearance details …
Today, it is important to have a strong and well thought out image in cyberspace, especially for professional purposes. Statistics show that about 80 percent. people meet us virtually for the first time. Employers or evaluators first review a job candidate’s profile on LinkedIn before deciding whether to call, be interviewed, or continue to communicate, ”says a WoW University professor.
“With each passing month, the number of companies requesting help to create employee images on the LinkedIn platform increases,” says the co-founder of Linkedist. “Realizing how important virtual space has become today, employers are concerned with how their employees look here; after all, they are the face of the company. If the employee profiles are strong and wordy, it creates the impression that the company cares about them; the employer thus creates a good reputation for himself. Sometimes a dilemma even arises: how to make an employee look good in a virtual space, but not be attracted to another company, ”smiles K. Kurt.
– Catherine, do employers really prioritize those who are most active on social media when hiring an employee? Why?
– Really so. As I mentioned, the employer or recruitment specialist assesses your profile before deciding whether to contact the candidate. If everything is written neatly and beautifully, a person is likely to get a call.
Another interesting fact is that if two candidates apply for a job and one has a better education and more experience, and the other has a wider circle of acquaintances on the social network, it is very likely (I have come across this myself) the employer chooses the latter.
Today, employers believe that skills can be learned quickly, and lo and behold, a circle of acquaintances will not be created so quickly. The company sees this as a huge advantage, both in terms of reaching new customers and in terms of strengthening its image.
– I’ve also heard that people who are more active on social media negotiate higher salaries. How much do you think is true of that?
– Yes. I think it makes sense for an employee’s value to go up if he does