Residents who consume less than 5,000 kWh per year are not included in the first stage of the liberalization of the electricity market and have chosen an independent supplier and still use the services of a public supplier provided by Ignitis.
VERT has determined that starting next year the price of the most popular “Standard” single time zone rate plan for these Ignitis consumers will reach 14.1 ct / kWh with VAT.
Customers who have chosen the “standard” two-time zone rate plan will pay 16.1 ct / kWh with VAT for daily electricity and 10.0 ct / kWh with VAT for nighttime electricity, according to the Ignitis report.
The average price of electricity for most consumers as of 2021. January 1 increases by 0.54 ct / kWh or 4.1 percent.
Residents who want to pay for electricity consumed in December this year at this year’s prices must at least declare the readings with an electricity meter, this can also be done online. It will be possible to pay the calculated amount later.
What led to the new prices?
Changes in electricity prices were mainly influenced by the expected increase in electricity market prices (purchase on the energy exchange) for 2021 (more than 9%), as well as up to 8.5%. increase in the prices of the electricity distribution service and from 0.370 ct / kWh to 0.397 ct / kWh, increasing the maximum price of the public supply service and after the changes in the legal acts, a new additional component of the price of the electricity service was introduced. distribution: 0.112 ct / kWh.
Costs for a statistical public home that consumes an average of about 117 kilowatt-hours of electricity per month will increase slightly to 64 cents per month.
The price of the “Standard” electricity single time zone rate plan in 2021. will reach 14.1 ct / kWh with VAT (in the second half of 2020 – 13.7 ct / kWh with VAT). Ignitis customers who have chosen the “standard” two-time zone rate plan will pay 16.1 ct / kWh with VAT for daytime energy starting next year (15.5 ct / kWh with VAT in the second half of 2020) and 10% for night energy. ct / kWh with VAT (9.9 ct / kWh with VAT in the second half of 2020).
For Ignitis customers who consume more electricity and who have chosen the Namai and Namai Plus rate plans, the fixed monthly components will not change and will remain the same as before, that is, € 3 and € 6 with VAT per month, respectively. The price of electricity of the single time zone rate plan “Namai” will reach 12.7 ct / kWh with VAT (in the second half of 2020 – 12.2 ct / kWh with VAT) and “Namai plus” – 12, 3 ct / kWh with VAT. VAT (11.7 ct / kWh with VAT in the second half of 2020).
The price of day and night light of the two time zone rate plan “Namai” will reach 14.6 ct / kWh with VAT (13.7 ct / kWh with VAT in the second half of 2020) and 9.3 ct / kWh with VAT (In the second half of 2020 – 9 ct / kWh with VAT). Full time of the Namai Plus rate plan in 2021. the price of electricity will reach 14 ct / kWh with VAT (in the second half of 2020 – 13.1 ct / kWh with VAT), and at night – 9 ct / kWh with VAT (in the second half of 2020 – 8.7 ct / kWh with VAT). VAT).
From the beginning of next year, the total number of households that will be able to use the services of the public provider Ignitis in the country will reach around 1.59 million. A little more than 98,000 private electricity customers, who consume 5,000 kWh and more of electricity a year, have until December 10 of this year. had to choose an independent electricity supplier.
Failure to select a supplier on the established date would ensure a guaranteed supply to said customers for up to 6 months, and the price of the part of the electricity supply would change monthly and would be 25%. higher than the price in the energy exchange.
From 2022 Independent providers must be chosen by consumers who consume between 1000 and 5000 kWh per year, and from 2023. – all other electricity consumers. Consumers will receive notifications from Ignitis about the entry into the next stage of liberalization and the obligation to choose a supplier by a specified date.