Vilnius St. Mindaugas Nefas, professor at Christopher Gymnasium, says that the city council has distributed a letter to schools stating that several complaints about distance education have been received.
“The schools should have sent a distance lesson schedule to the municipality. That in itself is not a bad thing, but at the same time you still need to send the login details. This means that at any time an employee of the municipal administration could join the lesson and do something in it. ” 15 minutes Nephi said.
Warn no later than the day before
Vilnius Deputy Mayor Tomas Gulbinas 15 minutes He explained that the municipality has no plans to monitor all distance education and will only take such measures if it receives complaints from parents.

Photo by Saulius Žiūra / Tomas Gulbinas was elected deputy mayor of Vilnius
“It is the duty of the municipal administration to respond to the complaints received from the school communities. Therefore, as part of routine school supervision, schools were advised by the education department that school tutors may request admission and lesson times to investigate specific complaints. In such cases, schools would be notified no later than the day before, “explained T. Gulbin in the reply sent.
The deputy mayor lamented that the message to school leaders sounded like a plan to massively monitor distance education, and it also misled them.
“I want to reiterate that there is no such plan,” Gulbin said.
The question of competition
Education consultant Romas Turonis emphasizes that the follow-up of the lessons is not a matter for the municipality, but for school leaders.
“I want to emphasize that these are the limits of the competence of the school principal: he can observe himself, he can entrust it to a deputy or a teacher of a higher qualification category.
I want to emphasize that these are the limits of the competence of the school director: he can observe himself, he can entrust him to an assistant or a teacher of a higher rating category.
Usually, the school principal is also the chair of the certification commission. In this process, suggestions for observation of lessons are possible ”, explains R. Turonis.
According to the education specialist, schools have procedures to monitor and evaluate lessons.
However, it is not uncommon for the municipality to do so, since it is the school director who is in charge of the educational process and its monitoring.

Photo from personal archive / Romas Turonis
“The municipality does not have the authority or legal influence to monitor the lessons; it can only ask the head to participate in its investigation after receiving a complaint from the parents. So, with the participation of the school principal and the person who supervises the education department of the municipality, it is possible to do such an investigation ”, emphasizes the education consultant.
R. Turonis emphasizes that data protection issues can arise when outsiders go online to watch lessons.
“After all, there is a data protection law: a supervised lesson can be recorded, photographed and filmed without the consent of the parents. This is also a kind of violation. If the director, like out of nowhere, gave access to lessons, it would be in breach of data protection regulations. This is an illogical, illegal and excessive requirement of mistrust for a teacher “, explains R. Turonis.
Encourages mistrust
Nephi shared a post on the social network Facebook that received great outrage from the teaching community.
He asserts that the desire of municipal representatives to control how teachers conduct lessons is a negative practice that demonstrates mistrust of the school and teachers.
“We often talk about the need to increase trust in the school and the teacher, to align ourselves with the Scandinavian countries, where that trust is high. Such attempts to introduce control show that schools are run by a bureaucratic apparatus, they undermine the general image of the school and the teacher and do not contribute to improve the situation. It is precisely these problems that are deepening, “said M. Nepha after the contact.
Such attempts to introduce control show that schools are run by a bureaucratic apparatus, undermine the overall image of the school and the teacher, and do not contribute to improving the situation.
According to him, in such cases, when it is more difficult for the teacher to conduct distance education, problems should be solved individually, within schools, rather than under pressure at the municipal level.

Luke April / Photo 15min / Mindaugas Nephi
Algis Bitautas, a history teacher at Vilnius Peace Progymnasium, is convinced that control is not the best mechanism to create a dialogue in the educational community.
“I am very liberal, anyone who wants to can come to see the lessons. But we must not start from that, not from the control mechanism. We will come and take control of the teachers. And this is done instead of looking for forms of dialogue and ways to help teachers ”, laments A. Bitautas.
S t. Nephi, who works as a teacher at Christopher Gymnasium, recalls that examples of such an observation mechanism are already known, but there is no need to compare them.
“It just came to our knowledge then. I have known professors who lecture remotely at Kazakhstan universities. Something similar is happening: an outside person can join at any time to check how the conference is going, how many students are attending. Perhaps our municipal officials are attending. they also thought this was good practice, ”says Nephi.
Distance education looks unfavorable
According to data from a qualitative and quantitative two-stage study conducted by researchers from Vilnius UniversityAlmost half of primary school parents (46%) and more than a third (38%) of parents of fifth through eighth grade students rated distance education as an unfavorable form of education and very unfavorably.
Among educators, this number is slightly lower, but it is also concerning.
One third of primary school teachers (36%) and one quarter of basic education teachers (26%) viewed distance education as an unfavorable and very unfavorable form of education.
According to the researchers, distance education and quarantine have limited students’ opportunities for communication and social life.
This impaired children’s emotional well-being, motivation to learn, and participation.
This impaired children’s emotional well-being, motivation to learn, and participation.
The researchers emphasize that several conditions are essential for the success of distance learning.
The better the relationship between parents, children and teachers, as well as the better the communication between the school administration and parents, the better the distance learning experience is perceived, as well as the greater and more effective involvement of parents.