As announced by the Ministry of Justice on Wednesday, the decision to submit a request to the supervisory authorities to assess the risks of the acquisitions carried out by the Department of Prisons was taken by the Pravieniškės open colony of correctional homes.
According to the ministry, this agreement provides for one hundred percent more than 3.4 million. advance of. The Pravieniškės Correctional Center intends to terminate the contract on January 8.
Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min / Department of Prisons
“Prison decisions to prepay 50 or even 100 percent of the total amount owed for goods, services and works acquired through public procurement raise reasonable doubts as to whether state budget funds are being used transparently “, said E. Dobrovolska.
According to her, the manifestations of corruption in public procurement in prisons are also worrisome, so the consultation between the STT and the VPN would help to properly assess the greater risks and make the necessary changes.
The Ministry also pointed out that in January next year it is planned to organize expert consultations on challenges in the operation of places of deprivation of liberty.