Eimantas Bendžius, who scored 17 points and even 5 points out of three out of 6 in the first half of the match, became a real headache for the entire Virtus team and their strategist Aleksandrs Džordževičius.
The excited Serbian also had other problems: in the first part of the match he complained to the referees and accumulated two technical fouls, which had to leave the pitch.
Virtus did not lose and fully returned from the 21-point deficit to the game in the fourth half, when the teams earned the only point. However, at the end of the match, Sassari’s guests looked more solid.
E.Bendžius in a total of 31 minutes. scored 22 points (0/4 dvit., 6/8 trit., 4/4 penalty), bounced 6 balls, made 1 effective pass and scored 20 utility points.
NBA champion Marco Belinelli has already signed up for this match, but the Italian has yet to appear on the field.
Bologna “Virtus”: Stefanas Markovičius 15, Kyle Weems 14, Vince Hunter and Miloš Teodošičius 11 each.
Sasario “Dinamo”: Eimantas Bendžius 22, Marco Spissu 19 (25 users), Miro Bilanas 12 (10 copies, 23 users)