During the Festival of the Sea, the candles will extend the rigidity of the quarantine: Klaipeda is waiting for up to half a million guests.


The first guests have already appeared: on Saturday, the Spanish sailboat Atila docked at the Cruise and Warship Terminal, which will participate in an international regatta starting in Tallinn and ending in the Polish port of Szczecin. Atila will be back in Klaipeda from July 23 to 25 during the Festival of the Sea.

It invites you to immerse yourself in the hustle and bustle of the holidays.

“Returning to the long-awaited and usual rhythm of life that is so welcome, we gladly count the days, and perhaps even the hours, until the greatest and funniest Lithuanian” indulgences “of the summer: the Festival of the Sea.

On this occasion we will embody and present what all the people who are not indifferent to the roar of the Baltic waves have lost during the trickle of the pandemic. Let us discover our love for the sea, let us share our feelings and thoughts on what makes the Lithuanian coast interesting and dear to everyone ”, V. Grubliauskas invites you to immerse yourself in a unique celebration in Klaipeda.

“Stories of a longed-for city” is the theme of this year’s Festival of the Sea, as if asking all friends and like-minded people: what did you miss the most, what is your personal relationship with the Baltic countries, what you will search the bustling streets and squares of Lithuania’s only port city for the communication coordinator of the “Klaipėda Festival”, Živilė Putnienė.

By giving meaning to the chosen theme and style of the upcoming Festival of the Sea, the organizers made an effort to allow guests and participants to become familiar with unknown or lesser-known stories and symbols of the city, port and people in three days. As they travel through the map of longed-for stories, people will hear intriguing stories about the sea, ships and sailors, experience the dizziness of unexpected encounters.

The main events of the 62nd Festival of the Sea will be held at the Cruise Terminal, the Dangė River, the Old Town and its entrances. As always, the Dangė River winding through the city, featuring the fleet of tall ships “Baltic Regatta 2021” and smaller yachts, will become a significant accent.

The traditional “Sky Fleet” historical ship parade organized by the Lithuanian Maritime Museum will take place in Dangė, dragon class ship crews will compete in the race and there will be more water sports events.

The coins have pictures of the beach.

The spirit of Klaipėda will be embodied in coins issued by the Bank of Lithuania with maritime symbols, created as a continuation of the series “Traditional Lithuanian Holidays”. The reverse of the collector’s 5 euro coin depicts the symbols of the Festival of the Sea, Klaip yda, and the obverse features the sign of Vytis and the city’s coat of arms, as if it were stamped in the sand with the inscription “Lithuania” .

Made of silver and inlaid with amber, the € 5 coin will be issued in 2,500 copies. The sale price at the Bank of Lithuania is 61 euros. Another € 1.50 coin of the same design will appear, made of copper and nickel alloy, with a sale price of € 2. The circulation is much higher: 30 thousand. do you copy.

The unusual denomination of 1.50 euros is an allusion to the Lithuanian half stone, minted in the Vilnius Mint in the 17th century. Coins have already been issued for the Kaziukas Fair, St. John’s Day (Rasa), Mardi Gras.

The commemorative coin was planned to commemorate the Festival of the Sea last year, but the Bank of Lithuania postponed its plans for this year due to quarantine restrictions.

The obverse of the festive coin was created by Eglė Ratkutė and Adelė Žemaitienė, and the reverse was created by Rytas Jonas Belevičius. The coins will be available in the online store of the Bank of Lithuania.

The festive procession is an old tradition

During the festival, the florists will be left at sea in the Baltic countries. The festivities will also take place on the coast, at the “Albatross” monument to the sailors who did not return to port and to the Lithuanian ships that sank in various periods.

The biggest challenge for the organizers is the Long March, which is relived after a year of rest, connecting the sea and the city, the water and the coast, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Klaipeda State Port Authority (KSSA ).

Every year, an increasingly resourceful procession of sailors and people close to them expressing deep traditions on the streets of the port city is a very important part of the summer events of many Klaipeda companies and organizations.

“We hope that the restrictions do not break this favorite event of all. However, processors are asked not to forget about safety, not to focus on the abundant columns. It is better to pour out your emotions, colors, sounds, energetic actions in the streets, ”said Algis Latakas, head of the KVJU leadership that organizes the festive procession.

Sailboats don’t lower their flags

The Klaipeda docks will once again be decorated with sailboats, although the International Sailing Organization Sail Training International (STI) abandoned the traditional regattas The Tall Ships Races this summer. But the organizers of the celebration have found a way out.

Tall ships will fly to Klaipeda under the flag of the new maritime regatta “Baltic Regatta 2021”. It will operate in the port cities of the three Baltic states: Tallinn, Klaipeda and Szczecin.

The 2021 Baltic Regatta fleet, which set sail in Tallinn on July 18 and performed in Klaipėda during the Sea Festival, will bring a true nautical spirit to the events, and there will be more buzz and interesting gatherings.

“We hope to have at least 30 sailboats, and according to the optimistic scenario, there may be about 40. The Spanish ship Atyla is already moored at the dock, the first news that our city will once again be a port for young sailors during the Sea Festival” said the coordinator of the maritime event, Violeta Ulevičienė.

After arriving in Klaipeda on July 23, the ships will sail back to the open sea after a two-day stay on the Lithuanian coast.

Locals and guests will be able to visit the sailboats, but they will not be able to see the traditional Sailing Parade from the harbor breakwaters; they are currently being rebuilt.

The squares will be flooded with fireworks

The Festival of the Sea invites people who yearn for entertainment to two main event venues: the most popular Lithuanian artists will give concerts in the Cruise Terminal and pleasant theatrical evenings will take place in the Theater Square.

At the terminal the group “Sisters on Wire” will perform, Eurovision participant “The Roop” with Vaidotas Valiukevičius. The evening will end with Kastytis Kerbedis, a great Lithuanian pop that participates for the first time in the Sea Festival.

Celebrating the anniversary of the activities of the Klaipeda State Port Authority, the main sponsor and partner of this concert, festive fireworks complemented with surprises will flood the sky.

The big concert is organized by the festival’s main sponsor, “Lighthouse Non-Alcoholic”.

In the heart of the old town, you will relive the Theater Square, where Žemaitė (Austieja), Vilius Popendikis with a group, Gabrielius Vagelis in Samoguitian dialect will perform. The audience will be entertained there by the theater artist KaYra with the group.

The musical improvisations will be performed by guests from the Netherlands – Augustina Vaiginytė Quartet, Klaipėda resident Jurijus Veklenko, will also perform on the square.

The welcome guest is G.Nausėda

Up to a million guests from all over Lithuania and neighboring countries are said to flock to Klaipeda during the Festival of the Sea. Last year’s events drew around half a million visitors by the most modest estimates, and no one is going to predict how many there will be. this year.

“People long for pleasant and cozy ceremonies, interesting events; they expect a party filled with the spirit of the sea, which would turn many guests into an alkaline action. We boldly say to all: those who return to the city ready to have fun responsibly and find impressions , moods and unforgettable discoveries. They will be presented by the sea and those who live next to it “, – Mayor V. Grubliauskas is optimistic about the future.

According to him, the success of the celebration will depend on the circumstances, the findings of epidemiologists, the government’s position: “and the festive vaccination.”

V. Grubliauskas did not reveal in which sailboat the mayor’s thanksgiving evening will take place, participants, sponsors and guests. He only alluded to the possibility of carrying it out this time in a non-traditional space other than the deck of the ship.

It is not yet clear whether the President of Lithuania, who was previously invited to the Festival of the Sea, among others, Gitanas Nausėda from Klaipėda, will participate in it. According to V. Grubliauskas, at the end of July you will be able to visit the port city.
