During the COVID-19 holidays, two people died before the age of 40: one of them fell ill at work


The death of one of these people was reported on December 26. Human life was extinguished on Christmas Eve at the Klaipeda Republican Hospital, where he was hospitalized on December 2.

According to Justina Petravičienė, Public Information Specialist at the Internal Administration Division of the Vilnius Department of the NVSC, the coronavirus was confirmed to her on December 9. The man had a complex concomitant pathology.

The death of another person in the 30 to 39 age group was also reported during the holidays. He died on December 20 in the Kaunas clinics. He was also reported to have comorbidities.

This personal COVID-19 infection was confirmed on December 11 after being examined at a mobile point. Initially, the condition of this person, according to J. Petravičienė, was assessed as moderate. A person is infected with a colleague’s work environment.

During the COVID-19 holidays, two people died before the age of 40: one of them got sick at work

© Vidmantas Balkūnas

A week ago, the coronavirus killed a woman from Panevėžys under the age of 30. On December 17, she was hospitalized at the Republican Hospital in Panevėžys, where she died a day later. This woman is also reported to have had a severe comorbid condition.

This is the second coronavirus victim in Lithuania in less than 30 years. The Delfi portal wrote that in early December, a 27-year-old man from Marijampolė, who apparently had no related pathologies, also died of coronavirus in the Kaunas clinics.

In total, the coronavirus has already claimed the lives of 1,228 people in Lithuania.

Two of the deceased belonged to the age group of 20 to 29 years, 7 of the deceased were between 30 and 39 years old. There were 18 deaths in the 40-49 age group and 100 deaths in the 50-59 age group.

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