Due to the redistribution of hunting areas, official inspections have been initiated


According to preliminary data, in 2020 At the meeting of the Municipal Commission of the Utena District on December 18 to form hunting area units and change their boundaries, the AAD official, who is obliged to represent the interests of the state and guarantee the rule of law, could have violated these principles and passed and the boundaries of contiguous hunting area units were expanded at the expense of the hunting area that was planned to be sold at auction.

October 9, 2020 The Department of Environmental Protection announced that it had revoked the permission granted to Vilnius University to use hunting resources in the hunting area unit “Hunting Management Base of Vilnius University”. This hunting area unit is located in the Ignalina district. and Utena district. in the territories of the municipalities. The surrounding hunting areas may have increased at the expense of this hunting area unit.

The area is planned to be transferred for use by auction. Reducing the size of the area could cause material damage to the state in the future.

This decision will also be forwarded to the Office of Government Representatives.

In order to clarify the institution’s activities and reduce the probability of corruption, the AAD management on January 4 made the decision to dismiss all AAD representatives delegated to municipal commissions for the formation of area units hunt and change its boundaries and appoint new representatives of the institution on a rotating basis. From now on, AAD officials will participate in commissions outside the municipalities served by their boards, and must report on their official activities by voting in the commissions.
