Donata Virbilaitė lost almost all her income: “You have to live for several hundred euros”


In the program “I Kiss. Rūta, a famous woman, says that with the onset of the pandemic and quarantine, she lost the opportunity to perform and hold events. Later, with the ban on extracurricular activities, he can no longer teach private singing lessons for children. And more recently, private kindergartens began to abandon music lessons for the kindergartens run by Donata.

“Lately I have had to live with a few hundred euros because all my activities are prohibited. I have already loaded the mountain with clothes that I will sell if necessary. And if it is already bad, you will have to sell your music studio equipment”, says the singer.

Donata said she did not understand why her private singing lessons were not allowed, despite the fact that she had a son in her studio and the premises were constantly ventilated and disinfected. “And the supermarkets are full of people, for some reason their activities do not stop,” the interpreter is outraged.

Another guest on the show, mother of six Jurgita Pocien of, talks about her life at the beginning of distance learning. Four of Jurgita’s six children are students. “Everyone needs a computer, they need a separate room, they need help. It’s really complicated because I can’t buy a computer for everyone,” says a grown mother.

Renowned Lithuanian mothers share their experience of how they manage to teach their children at home. “My daughter Cecilia asked me to show her my higher education diploma because she thought I was unable to do my homework with her,” laughs Indrė Stonkuvienė.

Singer Nijolė Putyytė, who has suffered from a coronavirus, says she understood how hard the job of teachers is. “They really need to increase their salaries, because our future depends on the teachers. Therefore, I am very angry when I hear such things that the Seimas members want to give themselves an annuity for the rest of their lives. It would be better if the teachers paid more than take care of themselves. Shame! It’s good that the Seimas didn’t accept such nonsense. “
