Photo: T. Matijoška
After a long break, Jonija’s CBet (13-1), who beat Marijampolė’s Sūduvai-Mantinga (13-4), continued their impressive march into the NKL championship. The club led by Virginijus Šeškaus won the guests 76:64 (19:21, 12:21, 22: 8, 23:14) and obtained their thirteenth consecutive victory.
Man of the match

Effective transfers
After regaining the initiative in the third quarter, CBet took over in the fourth. Kahlil Thomas connected two points, Noah Pankratyev and Aurim Urbon each scored three points, and in the middle of the quarter Jonava’s team led by 8 points – 67:59.
Sūduva-Mantinga missed several attacks in a row to see a successful attack, and K. Thomas charged from above, Darius Tarvydas hit two points and CBet’s lead increased to 12 points (71:69). The hosts could not recover during the remaining time and had to recognize the advantage of the rivals.
Marijampolė’s best player, Žygimantas Šimonis, scored 20 points in 28 minutes (2/4 dvit., 4/5 trit., 4/4 penalty), bounced 3 and took 1 ball, made 1 result pass, provoked 4 fouls, 5 times he made a mistake and scored 17 utility points.
Sūduva-Mantinga broke in the middle of the second half. Tomas Galeckas scored a double point, Aurimas Kieža scored 4 points in a row, Šimonis noticed the penalties and the hosts accelerated 10: 0 and took a 15-point lead – 42:27.
Still, CBet responded to its successful stage after a long hiatus. Darius Tarvydas charged from above and scored a triple, Tomas Delininkaitis took the penalty after Galeckas’ technical foul, and Gediminas Žalalis added two points and Jonava’s deficit dropped to 3 points – 47:50.
Soon Žalalis and Pankratjevas realized their penalties, Ignas Labutis hit a colon and CBet found themselves in the last quarter with a 3-point lead (53:50). Jonava’s club finished the third quarter with a 13: 0 streak. “Sūduva-Mantinga” scored the last points of the half with 7 minutes to go. 20 sec.
In Jonava’s team, Thomas shone, scoring 15 points (7/10 doubles, 1/3 penalty) in 30 minutes, grabbed 10 and took 2 balls, blocked 3 shots, made 2 assists, made 2 errors and scored 25 points useful .
Both teams did not avoid a lot of mistakes. “Sūduva-Mantinga” lost 19 balls, and “CBet” – 17. Jonava’s team shot three points for a total of 21 percent. accuracy (5 of 23), when Marijampolė – 27 percent. (8 of 29)
“Sūduva-Mantinga”: Žygimantas Šimonis 20 (4/5 trit.), Edvinas Jezukevičius 11 (3/6 ddvit.), Aurimas Kieža and Rokas Stankevičius (4/6 ddvit.) 8 each.
Cet: Darius Tarvydas 18 (6/9 dvit., 1/6 trit.), Kahlilas Thomasas 15 (7/10 dvit., 10 atc.), Tomas Delininkaitis 11 (2/6 trit.), Laimonas Kisielius 10 (4 / 12 dvit.).