Photo: Ž. Vingelis / BC Prienai
Another impressive match in the tandem of Regimantas Minioto and Marquiso Wright, who contested the Betsafe – LKL (LKL) championship, led Prienai’s CBet (4-3) to fourth victory.
Man of the match
Mantas Šernius students at home 81:74 (17:16, 25:17, 19:14, 20:27) defeated Alytus “Dzūkija” (1-6) and returned to the path of victories.
Although Prieniai’s team was confident of victory in every match and had a 14-point lead in the 38th minute (76:62), the guests led by Artūras Jomantas and Kristupas Žemaitis took a decisive defeat and scored only 6 points per minute. – 71:77.
However, in the next attack, Miniotas scored two points and dispelled the resulting intrigue – 79:71.
After having collected a powerful double, Miniotas scored 24 points (9/15 doubles, 0/4 trit., 6/8 penalties) for the winners in 34 minutes, bounced 17 and took 4 balls, provoked 8 fouls and scored 37 points useful.
Wright was well assisted by Wright: 21 points (6/14 two, 2/4 trit, 3/4 penalty), 4 rebounds, 5 assists, 4 errors and 21 utility points in 29 minutes.
Jomantas put together an excellent performance in the ranks of Alytus – 20 points (8/13 doubles, 0/1 trit., 4/6 penalties), 6 rebounds, 8 inflicted fouls and 25 utility points.
CBet: Regimantas Miniotas 24 (9/15 doubles, 17 rebounds, 37 helpful votes), Marquisas Wright 21 (6/14 doubles, 5 res., 21 helpful votes), Mindaugas Sušinskas 13.
“Dzūkija”: Artūras Jomantas 20 (8/13 diat., 25 points of use), Matas Jucikas 16, Kristupas Žemaitis 14 (7 res., 22 points of use), Tadas Rinkūnas 10.
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