The Minister of Social Security and Labor, Linas Kukuraitis, signed an order to terminate the employment contract with the director of the Kupiškis Social Welfare Home Rolandas Paltinas due to violations of labor obligations. The order will take effect as soon as the director’s temporary incapacity for work ends.
The employment contract with the director of the social work home is terminated because he did not ensure proper regulation of personal data activities, control of public procurement in the Kupiškis home for social work and the institution did not have an internal control system effective budgeting. The principal committed the same second continuous breach of duty during the year and lost confidence as a result.
2020 March 17 Mr. Paltin had already been warned about the improper handling of personal data at the institution, as well as the fact that an internal channel for information on violations had not been established and the warehouse was so disorderly that it was not possible to trace what stocks did the institution have and what was missing. In the field of public procurement, there was no control over compliance with the provisions on coordination of public and private interests and the organization of public procurement itself in accordance with current legislation.
The alert was issued after an operational and management audit by the Centralized Internal Audit Unit of the Ministry of Social Security and Labor, which identified irregularities and provided recommendations on how to correct the deficiencies. Half a year later, a progress monitoring audit report was conducted to assess whether previously identified deficiencies had been remedied. This report found that the recommendations made previously had not been fully implemented.
The Kupiškis Social Assistance Home is a social assistance institution under the Ministry, which provides day, short and long-term social assistance services for adults with disabilities and a temporary respite service for relatives of persons with disabilities.
Ministry of Social Security and Labor inf.
Photos from the archive of the social residence Kupiškis