It is announced that according to the long-term forecast, until January 31. the total number of deaths from Covid-19 could reach 2,217. data.

Long-term forecasts are made on the basis of available data on daily morbidity, recovery and mortality rates, and other indicators of the spread of this pandemic, some of which are known and some of which must be identified or estimated from of the data. Based on the information available for each day, the scenarios are dynamically recalculated on a daily basis.
How many occasions will there be at Christmas?
According to short-term forecasts, we could have 125,713 confirmed cases at Christmas (currently 120,094), 66,641 sick.

The forecasts are made by a team of scientists from the VU’s Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. Official data provided by state institutions are used for statistical analysis, and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and other institutions make the relevant decisions based on these forecasts to ensure maximum safety of citizens.
Register of deaths and cases
Last day, 3,737 cases of new coronavirus were detected in Lithuania, which is the highest number of cases per day so far, 50 people died, the Statistics Department reported on Wednesday.
1523 patients recovered on the last day. The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases is 120,000. 94, of which 55 thousand. 926 recovered, 62 thousand. 453 – tebeserga.
A total of 1,143 people have died from COVID-19 and another 572 have died from other causes.
14 thousand a day. 382 studies on coronavirus, a total of 1 million have been conducted to date. 541 thousand 668 studies.
The hospitals treated 2,258 COVID-19 patients, 181 of them in resuscitation, 1,262 patients needed oxygen, 108 artificial lung ventilation.
At present, 7682 of the 16,621 beds are occupied in Lithuanian hospitals and 401 of the 681 resuscitation beds are occupied. Of the 635 beds where artificial lung ventilation can be applied, 255 are occupied. 2,304 of the 6,382 beds with oxygen supply are also occupied.
According to the data of the previous day, 27 men and 23 women died in Lithuania. One of the deaths belonged to the age group 30 to 39 years, the person had comorbidities.