Dakar stage 10: the hawk flying in the Ten and the Railcaster faster than ever before


Participants wait 83 km before the start of the speed section. After the finish, another 185 km trip to the bivouac. The organizers have warned that the track will be confusing and its curves will intersect with Tuesday’s track, runners should be as careful as possible. The speed range is likely to be sharp and fast.

According to the organizers, the runners will jump onto the track with sand (44%), hard terrain (42%), asphalt (12%), stones (1%) and a dry lake (1%).

Stage X of the Dakar

After 90 km, Vanagas tentatively records the seventh result. At the first point of the road (45 km) he ranked tenth.

After 90 km L. Kancius – 9th (+17: 33 min. From the leader).

A. Gelažninkas remains close to the TOP-20 in the general classification, after 126 km, the Lithuanian registers in 22nd place (+19: 52 min. From the leader). Net 14 min. ahead of its closest competitor, E. Gyenes, is first in the class of “singles”.

The falcon fixes in 6 places after the first 45 km. Lithuanian 1:54 min. it fell behind Nassero Al-Attiyah, who posted the best score.

What not life: https://www.facebook.com/JuskauskasEdvinas/posts/126835415935912&width=500&show_text=false&height=282&appId

Kancius also covered 45 km (WP1), Lithuanian – 9th (+6: 50 min. From the leader).

B. Vanagas is also in the speed section. It started from ninth place.

So far, it is the first of the only class that is recorded at the second point of the road (90 km).

The cyclist has already covered 90 km, the Lithuanian climbs to position 21 (+13: 15 min. From the leader).

A. Gelažninkas reached the first point on the road (45 km), here the Lithuanian is registered in 27th place (+5: 56 min. From the leader). The Lithuanian is second in the “lonely” class, 47 sec. beats Emanuel Gyenes.

Laisvydas Kancius, a participant in the quad race, drove until the first kilometers of the speed section.

The falcon will start the stage from position 9. https://www.facebook.com/BenediktasVanagas/posts/3586377364761214&width=500&show_text=false&height=282&appId

8 hours ago Arūnas Gelažninkas started in Lithuanian times. https://www.facebook.com/arunas.gelazninkas/posts/3649902048389571&width=500&show_text=true&height=688&appId

Lithuanian start time: 7.58 h. – Arūnas Gelažninkas8.14 – Laisvydas Kancius9.16 – Benediktas Vanagas10.11 – Gintas Petrus10.13 – Edvinas Juškauskas 10.12 – Antanas Juknevičius



“The tenth gear section, although not short, will not necessarily be easy. Lots of fast, winding sections of gravel of poor enough quality are likely to await you. It doesn’t really promise anything good.

We can remember Tuesday when I had to shake off very dusty rocks, the bending possibilities here are very limited. In this section of speed, they expect two neutralizations, including 47 kilometers, whose time of overcoming will not be included in the result. So there are about 300 kilometers of combat left in the speed section.

At the beginning: fast and poor quality road surface, then waiting for sand, large canyons with a lot of stones. The tires will be very important here. Then there are the winding, narrow off-road miles, followed by a 27-minute neutralization stretch. It is followed by another 100 kilometers of narrow and winding roads with many changes of speed, where you will have to adapt instantly from fast sections to brutally difficult off-road kilometers.

Later, another section of neutralization, and the end again a little faster with a gravel road, which will be dangerous for the wheels. Navigation challenges are promised at the end of the speed section. In short, a wonderful landscape should be waiting for you, navigation and a quick arrival will be important in the speed section ”, said Darius Vaičiulis, the co-driver of the Kreda team, describing the new stage.

Dakar Rally classification after 9 stages

All terrain vehicles

Article The gang Outcome. Of the leader
1. S. Peterhansel / E. Boulanger 34.2616 val.
.. ……………………………………… ………… …..
12. B. Vanagas / F. Palmeiro 38.55: 06 +4: 28: 50 val.
27. E. Juškauskas / A. Paliukėnas 42.31: 56 +8.05: 40 val.
29. A. Juknevičius / D. Vaičiulis 42.42: 32 +8.15: 16 val.
33. G. Petrus / J. Marques 44.40: 56 +10.14: 40 val.

Motorcycles (Original Motul incl.)

Article Motorcyclist The result. (val.) Of the leader
1. Arūnas Gelažninkas 42.43: 52
2. Emanuel Gyenes 43.27: 25 +43: 33 min.
3. Benjamin Melot 43.50: 51 1.06: 59 val.


Article Runner The result. (val.) Of the leader
1. Manuel Andujar 46.35: 11
2. Alexandre giroud 46.54: 39 19:28 min.
3. Giovanni enrico 46.59: 26 24:45 min.
……………………. …………… ………….
9. Laisvydas Kancius 57.08: 54 +10.33: 43 h

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