A total of 742 kilometers await the runners, of which the 471 kilometer section. Organizers say the track consists of dunes (11 percent), sand (41 percent) and hard pavement (48 percent).
The first Lithuanian to enter the starting line was a motorcyclist, Arūnas Gelažninkas, who came second in the overall ranking of the “singles” category. Laisvydas Kancius (including ATVs) headed out onto the track after him.
Lithuanian start times for SUV classification.
20.50 hours – Benedict Vanag and Filipe Palmeiro (eleventh starting position).
9.31 am – Antanas Juknevičius and Darius Vaičiulis (26)
9.32 am – Edvijas Juškauskas and Aisvydas Paliukėnas (27)
9.45 a. M. – Gintas Petrus and Jose Marques
The seventh stage of the Dakar
The Hawk & Palmeiro began the first kilometers of combat.
Laisvydas Kancius, starting from position 12, reached the first waypoint (22 km). Here it is set at position 9 (from the leader +5: 36 min.).
A. Gelažninkas has already reached the first point of the road (22 km), here the Lithuanian occupies 34th place in the general classification (of the leaders +4: 28). The Lithuanian M. Gerini is second in the “Vienišiai” class, the Italian is the leader. https://www.facebook.com/arunas.gelazninkas/posts/3641844792528630&width=500&show_text=true&height=688&appId
A total of 742 kilometers await the runners, of which the speed section of 471 km. Organizers say the track consists of dunes (11 percent), sand (41 percent) and hard pavement (48 percent). https://www.facebook.com/AntanasJukneviciusDakar/posts/3558512887558730&width=500&show_text=false&height=282&appId