D.Kairys, who highlighted the match in France: we need more to win than our competitors


Vilnius Rytas prepared for the second battle of the FIBA ​​Champions League. This time the trip will have to face the SIG club from Strasbourg in France.

After the first round, the teams find themselves in different situations. “Rytas” (0/1) at home 88: 106 landed at the “Peristeri” club in Athens, and SIG in Latvia broke Riga’s VEF in the final seconds – 77:75.

Ryto’s strategist ahead of Tuesday’s game in France Donald kairys He briefly shared his thoughts on rivals.

“This is a very athletic team that climbs the board very well and runs on a fast attack,” D. Kairys described to opponents.

– What aspects of the game against the Riga team do you see?

– Everything is as usual for them – a lot of “focused”, “third”, “fourth” and “fifth” numbers do, exploded and fast attack.

– How important is it to stop your leaders Bonzie Colson and Brandon Jefferson?

– Very strong individual players, they will need a lot of individual and team work to stop them. I think the team is very balanced and will have to play well against all its players if we are to expect a victory.

– Maurice Ndour joined the team and Martynas Echodas returned, how much will the game improve in the penalty area?

– Of course, this fixes some things both in defense and attack. We welcome your arrival and return, we should bring the game to life.

– What do we highlight the most to the players before this game?

– We emphasized that we really want to win, we need to win more than our opponent. You’ll definitely need to win the bounced balls too, but there’s one thing to say and one thing to do. We must do this.

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