Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Vilnius “Rytas” (1-1) earned the first victory in the FIBA Champions League.
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Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Photo: FIBA Champions League
Donald Kairis’s students on the move 83:81 (26:16, 22:26, 23:21, 16:14) broke the Strasbourg IG basketball players (1-1).
Likus 4 minutesVilnius still had a minimal lead (71:70), but soon Brandon Jefferson scored a pair of 3s, Bonzie Colson added a double and SIG walked away. (81:76).
Andrew Goudelock as smeigThe three points, soon added two points, which remained 25 secondsadvanced the “morning”83:81). Colson’s last three points missed the mark and Vilnius celebrated the victory.
However, Goudelockas did not perform very well. The defender scored 9 points (3/8 doubles, 1/4 trit., 0/1 penalties) in 24 minutes, bounced 4 balls, made 4 assists, made 2 errors and scored 7 utility points.
After two games, the four teams in Group E have 1 win.
According to the coach’s decision, Rokas Gustys did not appear on the floor in the “Rytas” ranks, and Gytis Radzevičius was only 11 seconds in the squad.
The match was best started by the Vilnius team, who led by Martynas Echodo to gain a 10-point lead, and Maurice Ndour, who debuted in the Champions League, finished the first half with two precise points (26:16).
In the second quarter, the hosts woke up and liquidated Ryto’s double-digit lead in 6 minutes, which was completely eliminated and the result was rebalanced in favor of SIG by Jefferson (37:36).
However, led by Echod’s powerful play under the basket and Butkevičius’ great strides, the capital’s basketball players managed to regain the initiative and took a long break with a 6-point lead (48:42).
Man of the match
Game releases
After a long break, SIG basketball players scored Jefferson’s 11 consecutive points, and his successful leg 7 taColson, who gave the hosts a 3-point lead with three points (60: 57). So Dovis Bičkauskis took the “Tomorrow” and won 8 points and 3 timesVilnius residents led (69:65).
Echod became the leader of Rytas. After a finger injury, the center returned to the lineup in 23 minutes to score 23 points (7/10 dvit.), Rebounded and lost 3 balls each and scored 19 utility points.
Jefferson’s benefactor signed up for the SIG ranks. The defender scored up to 31 points (8/18 trit.) In 33 minutes, he bounced 4 balls, made 6 assists and scored 27 utility points.
“Tomorrow”: Martynas Echodas 23 (7/10 diat.), Mindaugas Girdžiūnas 12, Arnas Butkevičius 10 (sixth room), Andrew Goudelockas 9 (7 bal. Use), Maurice Ndouras and Dovis Bičkauskis 8 each, Kristjanas Kitsingas 6 , Augustas Marčiulionis 4, Lukas Uleckas 3.
SIG: Brandon Jefferson 31 (8/18 trit., 6 res., 27 in favor), Bonzie Colson 23 (7 rev.), DeAndre Lansdowne 9.
Donald Kairis’ joyous speech after victory:
Match summary:
Echod appearance:
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