COVID-19 was assigned to a senior Pentagon official after meeting with Karoblis


Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said Anthony Tatai was tested on Thursday after Lithuanian Minister Raimundas Karoblis discovered the coronavirus.

Tata and other top US defense officials, including Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and the Secretaries of the Army, Navy and Air Force, met with Karobley on Friday or Monday.

According to J. Hoffman, the Defense Department clarifies the contacts and conducts rapid tests for those who had contacts with the Lithuanian delegation.

Miller and other senior officials and members of the media met with soldiers and leaders at Fort Brage, North Carolina, on Wednesday and then flew in an aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford off the coast of Virginia. The filmed material shows that Cap. Miller shook hands with the people at Fort Brage, hugged them, and joined the sailors on board.

Tata is another high-ranking member of the Donald Trump administration infected with the coronavirus. For the head of the administration of the White House, Mark Meadows, COVID-19 was presented after he attended the celebration of the election night at the White House. The coronavirus has also been identified for other participants in the celebration, including White House policy director Brian Jack, former White House aides Healy Baumgardner, and Trump’s campaign adviser David Bossie and Corey Lewandowski. .

Lewandowski said he believed he was infected in Philadelphia while helping with the presidential campaign.

Trump himself fell ill with COVID-19 in October and was treated at Walter Reed’s National Military Medical Center. Other sick people around him include his wife Melania, son Barron, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, counselors Stephen Miller and Hope Hicks.
