Photo: BNS
Utena Juventus Club, which conducted additional coronavirus tests, learned that there was an actual coronavirus outbreak in the team.
Triples are released this season

The club has officially announced that 9 basketball players and 2 staff members are currently infected with COVID-19.
On Tuesday, Juventus announced that two people infected with coronavir were found on the team. Those infected felt symptoms and that is why the club tested the rest of the team.
According to the rules established by the Lithuanian government and the LKL protocol, Juventus was closed for 14 days in quarantine.
During this period, Utena’s team had to play Šiauliai (November 1) and Pasvalys’ Milk Stars (November 7). The duel with “Šiauliai” has already been postponed, the new date of the meeting should be announced later. On November 14, “Juventus” should play Vilnius “Rytas” at home.
Currently, Neptūnas of Klaipėda is also in quarantine. On October 23 (Friday), the port city team announced that two basketball players had been infected on the COVID-19 team.
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