Kaunas residents who were driving home from work on Jonavos Street Wednesday night said the traffic here was uncomfortable. Car jams near the Kaunas coronavirus mobile checkpoint.
“Cars stopped in two rows, the biggest traffic jam. And in the mornings here it is similar. Many people have recently come to be tested for coronavirus. The employee, to whom the visitors deliver the messages received with registration for the test COVID-19, I had even gone out on the street today and was walking among the cars, “said Erika, who passed through Jonavos Street on the afternoon of November 4, to the kauno.diena.lt portal.
After the journalists contacted the head of the Kaunas Operations and Emergency Management Center, Paulius Keras, by phone, he declared that he had just passed the place where the tents of the COVID-19 mobile station are located.
“I see that the traffic is perfect there, but the line is there, because more than a thousand COVID-19 tests are carried out here every day. The tests are done approximately every two minutes; people sign up more often. Naturally, a person does not arrive at the exact time assigned to him. So those lines form, but they move very fast. This is due to the large number of COVID-19 tests performed. When there were about 200 tests a day, three to five cars were parked, ”Mr. Keras said of the current change.
According to him, although tests are carried out all day at the COVID-19 mobile point on Jonavos Street, the largest flow of tests of people are observed in the morning or in the afternoon, after working hours.
“Naturally, because working people test for COVID-19 prophylactically, they usually check in before or after work. So probably the hours between 5 pm and 8 pm are a bit busier,” said the director of the Kaunas Operations and Emergency Management Center.
Doctors and social workers are being surveyed as infection outbreaks increase. If the number of new cases increases, the need to investigate will be even greater.
According to him, prophylactically because the coronavirus test flows are decreasing, the mobile station on Jonavos Street is mainly visited by people connected in one way or another with COVID-19 outbreaks.
“Doctors and social workers are being surveyed as the number of outbreaks increases. If the number of new cases increases, the need for investigation will be even greater,” Keras said.
After mentioning that Kaunas residents driving on Jonavos Street were significantly surprised by an employee who was shown messages with registration with the time of the test, because he was walking between cars, the interlocutor was not surprised.
Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis
“Apparently you are looking at the logs a little bit further ahead and as a result, the test flows of people are moving a bit faster,” said the director of the Kaunas Operations and Emergency Management Center.
Mr. Keras hinted that the COVID-19 mobile station on Jonavos Street is in a really good position to test for coronavirus. Three special tents have been erected here and another will appear on Friday.
“I think at least at this stage, that capacity is really enough. Let’s say we have about 100 vacancies today at noon and there are about 600 vacancies left for research tomorrow. However, by building another tent, we will increase the speed of testing from COVID-19. So the waiting time will be reduced, “promised P. Keras.
Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis