Court: Panevis Construction Trust 10 million. Fines in euros cannot be paid in installments


Photo by Vladimir Ivanovo (V)

The court revoked the permission of Panevio statybos trestas (PST) to pay in installments the fine imposed on the cartel with fines amounting to 10.3 million. EUR.

Added PST comment

The Panevis District Court has upheld the sheriff’s decision, reports the Competition Council. The court order can be appealed.

According to Egidijus Urbonas, executive director of PST, the company and the bailiff appealed the court decision.

The position of the Competition Council and the persistent desire to harm a certain company, which even raises tax issues that are not within the competence of the Council, is sincerely surprising. The Council interprets the court ruling too broadly. The PST has agreed on the schedule for payment of the fine within 8 years, not with the bailiff, but directly with the State Tax Inspection (STI). We have been making these payments responsibly for almost half a year based on your comment.

The council asked the court to annul the bailiff’s order ordering the PST to pay the fine and salary in installments over a period of 10 years.

According to the schedule, the company intended to pay a fine of € 85,800 per month within 120 months. PST has already paid € 103,100 each in August and September.

The STI agreed in August that the PST would pay the fine in installments, but the Competition Council filed a complaint. In his opinion, the bailiff, the self-employed, without any reason, would make the decision to delay the payment of the fine for such a long period, they overcame their powers.

The Council is of the opinion that the PST does not offer an objective approach to why you cannot pay the fine on time and that it will not cause any major inconvenience by paying the fine for too long, which will not only penalize but also deter

Dalius Geseviius, then director of the PST, said the goal was to keep the fine as small as possible. Egidijus Urbonas, the new PST director, later said that the STI decision will allow the smooth running and planning of new projects.

In 2017, the Competition Council allocated 8.5 million LTL to PST. € 3.7 million for the bankrupt Vilnius construction company Active Construction Management (formerly Irdaiva). Eur fines for having entered into a cartel agreement for seven years by participating in the tender renewals announced by the Municipality of Vilnius.

In June this year, the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania dismissed the appeals of PST and Irdaiva and upheld the lower court’s decision, which found that the Competition Council had reasonably imposed fines.

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