Could Lithuania follow the example of Finland: people were given 560 euros a month without any conditions?


This document urges the Seimas Board to hold a round table with Lithuanian and foreign scientists and politicians to assess the possibilities of introducing a universal basic income, and asks the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, in cooperation with the Scientific Council and the university communities, to the evaluation of the impact of universal income.

In the event that experts and institutions positively assess the possibilities of introducing universal basic income, it is proposed that the Seimas Board establish a working group to develop a concept for the introduction of universal basic income.

According to Rimante Šalaševičiūtė, a member of the Seimas belonging to the LVŽS faction, in 2017 A joint statement by the European Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission to address inequality set the goal that “the EU and its Member States should also support systems of efficient, sustainable and equitable social protection that guarantee basic income “.

“The debate on universal basic income has started in a large number of European Union countries, as has the ongoing European Citizens’ Initiative, which aims for the European Commission to present proposals for the introduction of universal basic income. Individual Member States are conducting studies to assess the potential impact of universal basic income.

In Finland, for example, a group of people received € 560 per month without any conditions. As the research results showed, this income improved emotional state, allowed people to make decisions more freely about participation in or options in the labor market, ”says Rimantė Šalaševičiūtė, a member of the Seimas.

The deputy of the Seimas points out that the introduction of the universal basic benefit can be an effective means to combat poverty, helping to reduce regional income disparities, but, according to her, it must have objective and scientifically-based information on the possible consequences of Universal basic income for society, the labor market and economic development. As a result, according to her, the goal is to start a discussion.

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