Coronavirus pandemic statistics: 14 new confirmed cases of infection –


According to the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) on May 1, 14 new cases of COVID-19 infection were detected last Thursday in Lithuania.


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Stasys Žumbis photo

There are currently 760 people with coronavirus infection. The total number of confirmed cases in individuals is 1,399.

The number of 19 people who died from COVID did not change: 45. The number of people who recovered was 594. The number of isolated people was -531.

National Public Health Laboratories May 1. 7 p.m. 7213 samples of suspected coronaviruses were analyzed during the previous day. So far, a total of 132,768 of these samples have been tested.

A person will be considered recovered if two consecutive consecutive tests of coronavirus infection in an interval of at least 24 hours are negative. Or 37 days after infection diagnosis, if for any reason subsequent tests are not tested for the virus. If a repeated test is positive, the GP will continue to monitor and treat the patient and will repeat the test no earlier than 14 days later.

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