Deputy mayor 15 minutes He said this year it will focus on human security, adjusting the entire Christmas program accordingly.
First of all, according to E.Tamošiūnaitė, the visual projection “Christmas Tale” will be reduced to 10 minutes and will not be shown 4 times, as in recent years, but 6 times.
The installation in the bell tower of the Cathedral will be shown in a different way than the previous one, this year it can be seen just after dark until 1 at night, when last year you could only enjoy the images from 10 hours.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Edita Tamošiūnaitė
“So that people can share the traffic,” he argues.
The design of the cabins at the Christmas fair will also change to distribute the flows. According to the deputy mayor, he will no longer be circling the fir tree.
There will be no concert in the square at that time.
“What will it be like? You will see what it will look like from the beginning of December. But that particular design depends on our visitors keeping a safe distance, <...> the cabins will be further apart [išstatyti]”Says the president of the Christmas committee.
How will the lighting of the fir tree and the consent of the newcomers change?
According to the deputy mayor, it is already clear that the lighting of the Christmas tree will no longer be what the residents and guests of the capital used to see. The entire show will be available on screens this year.
“There will be a fir tree and a concert, but it will be a television format. There will be no concert in the square at that time. Families with children, Vilnius residents and visitors to the city will be able to visit the Christmas tree at any time they choose. And the most important thing is to make sure that there are as few people as possible under that fir tree to limit our communication with other people, ”says the deputy mayor who recently contracted the coronavirus.

Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min photo / New Year’s celebration
According to her, the New Year’s Eve celebration will also be adjusted, but it is not yet clear how.
“A mass of people come to the Plaza de la Catedral and are waiting for those 12 beats, but we are deciding and the final decision has not yet been made, but we believe that it is already possible. [bus] not a fireworks, but one, another minute in different places in Vilnius, so that as many Vilnius residents as possible could see [fejerverkus] in his residential area, so that there is no congestion in the Cathedral Square, ”says E. Tamošiūnaitė.