Photo: imago images / PanoramiC-Scanpix
Chimki in the Moscow region suffered his ninth defeat in the Euroleague and finished the first round with just 2 wins. After the loss, Rimas Kurtinaitis told the Piraeus Olympia team that a small rotation was in the leg.
Man of the match

Effective transfers
“Of course, we had a lot of problems today because we didn’t have the entire lineup. We only had three basketball players who could play third and fourth positions. That’s why we lost the fight for the balls.
Then some of the attackers came out and we had problems with height on the field. We need to work and move on. Only hard work will help us, ”Kurtinaitis commented.
At the time, Chimki defender Yegor Vialtsev was much more specific and regretted the team’s performance.
“I think we played well in the first half,” Vialtsev said. – Looking at the statistics, we will see 27 assists, which shows that we play as a team. However, attack is not a problem, we have much bigger problems in defense. “
“We no longer have anything to say to the fans, but now I say to everyone: we play scary and this is not our real level. If we only look at the matches against Parma and Olympiakos, we could probably say that we are on the right track, but we should have been there two months ago.
The situation is not easy, I cannot name the reasons why we are in disaster, but we must defend ourselves. We have enough talent to attack, but we also have to think about defense. If we are all united in this idea, victories will come ”, continued the defender.
Vialtsev, like Kurtinaitis, also emphasized Chimki’s shortened rotation.
“It just came to our knowledge then. Most of the players had to play out of their positions.” Every game is now like the final of the Olympics for us, we will have to give 150%, “added the basketball player.
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