Chimki, who fired R. Kurtinaitis, turned again to the coach: he asked the Lithuanians for help


The Russian team, which has improved many of the anti-Euroleague records last season, is pushed to the border, financial problems may lead to Chimki disappearing from the basketball map next year.

R. Kurtinaitis, who has not talked about the situation of the team for a long time, decided to open up. 61-year-old basketball specialist from the Lithuanian portal Krepš to journalist Gabriele Miknevičiūtė on the situation of the team that fell into the pits last year.

“The season has been very bad for many objective reasons, you have to understand for yourself what is not like that, although everything is clear, I did not want to talk hot.

The club’s financial problems began, from October one player began to have back pain, another, leg pain, and it turns out that the salaries are free.

I did not continue as there is because basketball, basketball …

Foreigners are rich, they are from the NBA, they said: we are professionals, we do not pay, we came to Russia for love, we came to work.

I tried to conjure that basketball and that money separately, but not those times, nor that country, nor those people, ”said R. Kurtinaitis.

The basketball specialist also added that at the end of the season, Chimki’s management turned to Lithuania to help the team find sponsors who could contribute financially.

According to the Lithuanian, he maintains very warm relations with the club’s owners even after his dismissal.

“I wanted to spit … You know, like me with losses, I can’t say eighth place is good for me. I have first and the others last.

But we are more than friendly in a relationship with the club, we have all seen the problem and it is not that you lost yourself and you forgive yourself.

I put a lot of heart into the team, in an effort to find sponsors.

I worked for 8 years, I created a team myself, of course, it would be more pleasant to do it at home, in Lithuania. But that’s how he became, he trusted me, he was respected.

The club keeps calling me to help with the sponsors, because the current ones have refused to support them, ”reasoned the former Chimki coach.

In total, the basketball specialist worked in the Chimki team twice, in the 2011-2016 and 2019-2021 seasons.

During that period, the coach with the Russian club became a two-time champion of the European Cup (2012, 2015) and at the same time triumphed in the United League championship (2011).
