Grants are currently 70%. or 90 percent. employee’s salary, but not more than 1 or 1.5 monthly minimum wage (MMA). This year, MMA is € 607 before taxes. Therefore, there is a maximum of € 910.5 per employee.
The government has drafted a bill that provides for a 100 percent subsidy. the size of the previous salary, but not more than 2 MMA.
Starting next year, the MMA increased to 642 euros. Consequently, the maximum grant will be 1284 euros.
If the State Labor Inspectorate determines that an employee whose employer has been assigned and paid a wage subsidy is working during the downtime, the employer must reimburse the full amount that was paid before the date of the violation.
Job search benefits will be available to residents whose employment contracts have expired during an emergency or quarantine.
The job search benefit will be 33 percent. MMA valid for the month for which the job seeker allowance is paid. Thus, 200 euros will be paid for the months of this year, and almost 212 euros from next year, when the MMA increases.
This benefit will be paid until the end of the emergency or quarantine and for another month thereafter.
The Minister of Social Security and Labor, Monika Navickienė, who presented the bills at the meeting, assured that greater support with subsidies will be more beneficial for employers and will facilitate the retention of employees who cannot work due to restrictions on employment. quarantine.
At a time when access to job search benefits is restricted, only those who really need them will receive them.
For the new amendments to go into effect, they still need to be adopted by the Seimas and signed by the president.
The updated law would go into effect and new higher contributions would be calculated as of January 1.
According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, before December 14. more than 24 thousand. employers spent downtime and received subsidies of more than 208,000. workers.
Almost 316,000 people received job search benefits. population.