[ad_1] Nuo pat šios savaitės pirmadienio socialiniuose tinkluose pasipylė nuotraukos iš sosinės ir kitų miestų lauko kavinių, kuriose puikavosi kavos puodeliai, vyno taurės ir išsiilgtų patiekalų lėkštės. Daug euphoria sukėlė go brassiere Remigijaus Šimašiaus užmojis paversti Vilnių vienna didele lauko kavine, lengvatų restoranų verslui pažadėjo ir kai kurios kitos savivaldybės. …
Read More »Jozita manager: even if the fuel could be bought in vain, the price at the service stations will not drop below 50 cents
[ad_1] Prices fell, but sales also fell The sharp drop in fuel prices during the Covid-19 pandemic has perhaps become the only good news in a context of slowdown in the economy and uncertainty about the future of people. How did this situation affect fuel sales at one of the …
Read More »14 new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the country
[ad_1] 14 new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the country [{“_id”:”5bc47e257dc87b04e70afc4a”,”name”:”Phillip Morris”,”sw1″:”cigaretes”,”sw2″:””,”sw3″:””},{“_id”:”5bc47e3f7dc87b04e70afc4b”,”name”:”Phillip Morris 2″,”sw1″:”rukymas”,”sw2″:””,”sw3″:””},{“_id”:”5bc47e4d7dc87b04e70afc4c”,”name”:”Phillip Morris 3″,”sw1″:”kontrabanda”,”sw2″:””,”sw3″:””},{“_id”:”5bc47e5d7dc87b04e70afc4d”,”name”:”Phillip Morris 4″,”sw1″:”seseline-ekonomika”,”sw2″:””,”sw3″:””},{“_id”:”5bcdd1ba40fae92ee8b11184″,”name”:”Phillip Morris 5″,”sw1″:”tabakas”,”sw2″:””,”sw3″:””},{“_id”:”5bcdd1cc40fae92ee8b11185″,”name”:”Phillip Morris 6″,”sw1″:”nelegali-prekyba”,”sw2″:””,”sw3″:””},{“_id”:”5bcdd1eb40fae92ee8b11186″,”name”:”Phillip Morris 7″,”sw1″:”tabako-zaliava”,”sw2″:””,”sw3″:””},{“_id”:”5bcdd20240fae92ee8b11187″,”name”:”Phillip Morris 8″,”sw1″:”nelegalus-fabrikas”,”sw2″:””,”sw3″:””},{“_id”:”5bcdd21b40fae92ee8b11188″,”name”:”Phillip Morris 9″,”sw1″:”nelegalios-cigaretes”,”sw2″:””,”sw3″:””},{“_id”:”5bcdd23b40fae92ee8b11189″,”name”:”Phillip Morris 10″,”sw1″:”muitine”,”sw2″:””,”sw3″:””},{“_id”:”5bcdd25640fae92ee8b1118a”,”name”:”Phillip Morris 11″,”sw1″:”padirbti-tabako-gaminiai”,”sw2″:””,”sw3″:””},{“_id”:”5bcedb6b40fae92ee8b1118d”,”name”:”Phillip Morris 12″,”sw1″:”cigareciu-kontrabanda”,”sw2″:””,”sw3″:””},{“_id”:”5bd2a92040fae92ee8b11190″,”name”:”Phillip Morris 13″,”sw1″:”seselis”,”sw2″:””,”sw3″:””}] Make sure JavaScript is enabled in your browser and try again Error …
Read More »Šalčininkai officers who left their little ones in danger received a court case, but management defended them
[ad_1] September night, around 3 p.m. 30 minutes later, Šalčininkai police received a report that a resident saw a two-year-old girl running down the street. She just ran barefoot down the street in diapers, even though there was only 2 degrees of heat. The officers who arrived also found another …
Read More »Poderskis mato rizikas dėl SAM komunikacijos: žmonės gali suplūsti į prekybos centrus
[ad_1] Vis dėlto P. Poderskis atkreipė dėmesį, kad ištyrimas yra daugiau reprezentacinės imties, tad, pasak jo, veržtis kiekvienam pasidaryti testą nėra būtinybės. „Kaip nurodyta sprendime, month ruošiame skrajutę su informacija, kaip reikėtų užsirašyti tam tyrimui. Niekas nesikeičia – tam tyrimui užsirašoma per 1808. Mes tas skrajutes dalinsime didesnėse žmonių susibūrimo …
Read More »At night, a huge fire broke out in Vilnius: the hangar of a company that traded tires and car parts caught fire.
[ad_1] According to the Situation Coordination Division of the Fire Protection and Rescue Department, the Inter Cars hangar is burning. Around 1 p.m. the roof was already completely burned, the metal frame of the hangar distorted by heat. Large firefighters were expelled to fight the fire: five tankers, two jet …
Read More »Iš pradžių šiluma, vėliau – lietus
[ad_1] Šeštadienį per mūsų šalį slinks atmosferos frontas. Naktį dangų uždengs tankūs debeys, daugelyje rajonų palis, gausiau vakariniuose rajonuose. Dieną tankesni debeys bus šalies rytuose, čia lis ištisinio pobūdžio lietus, tik po pietų debeys trauksis dangus giedrės. Vakarinėje šalies pusėje popietę formuosis pavieniai trumpo lietaus debeys, kai kur lietų gali …
Read More »Burgio alumni share sensitive memories: stood out from everyone else
[ad_1] KTU Gymnasium also expressed sympathy on its social network. The mathematician, endowed with creative talent, has always supported education, emphasizing its importance for the young person. B. Burgis, originally from the Plungė district, has founded a charity and support fund and published several books. He called the KTU gym …
Read More »At night, a huge fire broke out in Vilnius: the hangar of a company that traded tires and car parts caught fire.
[ad_1] According to the Situation Coordination Division of the Fire Protection and Rescue Department, the Inter Cars hangar is burning. Around 1 p.m. the roof was already completely burned, the metal frame of the hangar distorted by heat. Large firefighters were expelled to fight the fire: five tankers, two jet …
Read More »Ask for a weekend to be dedicated to good works: don’t forget to donate blood
[ad_1] This week, on the occasion of Medical Workers Day, Diana Nausėdienė responded to the NKC’s request to donate blood. A month ago, he launched an initiative to create a potential donor bank so that blood centers could invite people to donate blood as needed: a large pool of blood …
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