Burgio alumni share sensitive memories: stood out from everyone else


KTU Gymnasium also expressed sympathy on its social network. The mathematician, endowed with creative talent, has always supported education, emphasizing its importance for the young person. B. Burgis, originally from the Plungė district, has founded a charity and support fund and published several books. He called the KTU gym where he founded his favorite play.

He did not surrender to the wave

“When someone asks if I remember my teachers, the personality of B. Burgis immediately comes to mind. As the gym director, he also played an important role as a teacher. Indirectly teaching discipline, but through the implementation of values, worldview and responsibility formation, “said economist Nerijus Mačiulis.

Nerijus Mačiulis

Nerijus Mačiulis

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

He remembers Burg as a strict but correct leader who made decisions based on logic, facts, and arguments rather than emotions. While N. Mačiulis studied in the gym, there were situations when he disagreed with the teachers on the assessment or other circumstances, but the principal, accepting the role of referee, never had the preconceived notion that the teacher was right. and that the student was working. “They tried to find out the situation and make the right decision.” Objectivity, fairness, principles: these qualities of B. Burgis impressed everyone “, – N. Mačiulis kindly replied to the director of the gym.

Another quality that, according to N. Mačiulis, everyone remembered and will remember: B. Burgis was neither hypocritical nor conformist: “It was unacceptable to him. He has boldly expressed an unpopular opinion, both during gym management and in recent years on Facebook. “

According to N. Mačiulis, this is important when it comes to developing young personalities: not giving in to the wave, not being a hypocrite. Say what is unpopular, what needs to be heard.

“I have no doubt that all KTU alumni are very sad today. Personally, I, as if I had lost a close relative … I hope my students think of me as much as many people think of B. Burgis, ”said N. Mačiulis with sensitivity.

Above only the sky

Another former student at the KTU gymnasium, now an advisor to the financial advisory firm Genus Family office, Marijus Kalesinskas, commenting on her teacher, said that B. Burgis was trying to steer the entire education system on the path of progress. “The teacher stood out from all the others, tried to develop the students’ general literacy, scholarship, arouse curiosity: interest in all other sciences, not just mathematics, which was his main field,” emphasized M. Kalesinskas. .

Marijus Kalesinskas

Marijus Kalesinskas

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Gym students remember B. Burgis not only as an excellent mathematician and mathematics teacher, but he was also a poet, a literary expert. M. Kalesinskas recalled the publication of the first almanac of works by gym alumni since the time of the gym. The director of KTU Gymnasium was probably the only one from across the administration and teachers who joined the gym students and posted their queues along with them. In fact, Burgis was a versatile personality: a great sharp-minded, articulate speaker. It is true that it is quite categorical and exceptionally demanding, both for oneself and for others ”, described the pedagogue M. Kalesinskas.

According to the interlocutor, since the beginning of the gym’s existence, B. Burgis has clearly defined the limits for the gym’s students, teachers and the entire community of the gym. He ordered high moral standards: not to lie, not to smoke, not to drink alcohol.

He was categorical: He emphasized the importance of honesty, diligence, and great efforts. They appreciated the achievements of gym students and teachers – they were happy and widely publicized. “Although he was strict, he did not avoid direct contact with high school students, he could speak freely in the hallway or in the office. And he himself visited gym students, listened to what he lived, gave advice or a warning,” said M Kalesinskas.

The ex-teacher’s call to strive for the highest standards has remained in the interlocutor’s memory until now: “This is his saying, there is only heaven above. We must all strive to be stars, it is not necessarily easy, it will not necessarily be successful, but we must make the most of it. Everything we can do better to be proud of later. He was often reminded of that. “

M. Kalesinskas has followed the activities of his former teacher until now, although his health was not good, he still suffered from illnesses. “He constantly prepared several new assignments for students, teacher tips, homework sets, textbooks. Last week, he organized a Blitz tournament for graduates in various fields: mathematics, history, literature … Active until the last days of his life, “he said, adding that the legacy of a famous teacher is enormous, both for students as for the entire scientific community. All his ideas, values ​​embedded alive in his students, will leave a mark for a long time.

Bronislovas Burgis

Bronislovas Burgis

© DELFI / Paulius Garkauskas

A leader who ignites others.

Vice Dean of Sciences, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), doc. dr. Kęstutis Duoba said the deceased was an exceptional personality. He had to meet B. Burgis as a student at the KTU Gymnasium, later as a teacher. After graduating, he returned to his old gym to teach, taught economics, and is currently the chairman of the KTU gym board.

Duoba warmly recalled the former colleague and said that meeting the man had had a profound effect on her life. B. described Burgis as a leader who set others on fire.

Amazing and warm communication: not all directors can come to speak. This experience, according to K. Duoba, contributed strongly to the development of the personality. When you realize that your opinion is valued by a very accomplished and brilliant personality, it is a great motivator. “An ordinary student was accepted, discussed, listened to, not rejected, not all principals are allowed to speak on equal terms. He was respectful,” said the interlocutor. In general, there was no strict demarcation line in the gym: go, here the manager, here the employee, here the student.

B. Burgis, a high school student, also taught computer science. It was 1993-1994: computer science lessons were one of the first in the country. “The teacher was interested in innovations himself, he could also interest others,” recalled K. Duoba.

The pedagogical advice he received while working as a teacher at the KTU Gymnasium was helpful to K. Duoba later in his life as a teacher.

In their work, they try to be guided by the truth learned from the old master, later the leader: one must strive to do more, not look at what can save, even if it is a difficult time. “The director was always looking for new activities, new sources of income, discoveries, not as a ‘shrink’, to reduce activities. His goal was not to reduce costs, but to increase income, which contributed greatly to the development of the gym, “said K. Duoba about the non-standard approach.

With the teacher, later the director, career paths, areas of scientific interest differed, but on the shelf of K. Duoba’s book – B. Burgis is still found. Now open.

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