Businessman Martinavičius and his wife take different paths: his wife Edita spoke about the divorce


The businessman’s wife also confirmed this message to the news portal The woman shared a sensitive post with her friends.

“You can love in life … And that love was … Very strong, perhaps a little stormy with many difficulties …

But everything that has a beginning has an end …

That end could have come quickly, but the time we spent together was perfect and I can only thank the man who was with me for 2.5 years and with him I was able to experience the feelings that I experienced …

Divorce is not an easy thing, but I think I have already experienced that pain and I can say that we have already been divorced and for quite some time …

Sometimes you just have to make decisions that can be painful, but necessary to make the future more beautiful, ”wrote E. Martinavičienė on Facebook.

It is true that their marriage has not yet officially dissolved.

The news portal recalls that S. Martinavičius and his beloved Edita exchanged gold rings in Bali in 2018.

However, the couple cemented their relationship not only with gold rings, but also with uniform tattoos. They carry the initials of their names and the date of the wedding.

(20 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. Edit Martinavičienė
