Britain prepares to launch COVID-19 warning system


Different levels of the system will also inform the public how and where quarantine can be relaxed.

The Prime Minister will present these government plans at 7 p.m. local (9 pm Lithuanian) will address the country’s residents on television on time. You also need to establish a broader strategy on how the global quarantine introduced in late March can be gradually relaxed.

The alert system will be administered by a new biosafety center and will have five levels to inform the public and policy makers of the severity of the outbreak in different parts of the country.

“Currently, we believe that the situation in the country is four out of five; five [šioje skalėje] it would be a big concern, “community secretary Robert Jenrick told Sky News.

“Our goal is to reduce it to three as soon as possible,” he said.

“In each of these stages, we will be able to open up and rekindle more aspects of the economy and our lives,” said the secretary.

The Prime Minister warned this week that the restrictions would be relaxed “with the utmost caution”, in Britain 31.5 thousand. The largest number of coronavirus victims in Europe.

Jenrick confirmed that any measure to revive the economy would be taken “with great care and caution”, monitoring the impact of each on the spread of infection among the population.

According to the media, the government will also present a new communication strategy, which states that people will no longer be forced to “stay home”, but will only be asked to “be careful”.

“We should stay home as long as possible, but we must remain careful and vigilant when we return to work and do our thing,” Jenrick emphasized.

“This means respecting others, keeping two meters away, washing hands, following the guidelines of social distance,” explained the community secretary.

The alert system will initially only work in England, but the government hopes to launch it later in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

In terms of coronavirus victims, Britain is second only to the United States worldwide, but the actual number of deaths in the United Kingdom could be even higher, as the country has recently started large-scale population testing .

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