Better parking than trees that protect the house from the dust and bustle of the street – S.Žukausko str. 5 residents of apartment buildings and lime and birch trees felled without permission.
“They really didn’t have permits,” said Žukausko str., Who called Kaunas Day. 5 apartment residents. The woman said logging was discussed at a neighborhood meeting. As is often the case, some of them supported such an ambition, others did not.
“The trees were marked over the weekend, and the workers arrived on Monday morning and cut down 16 trees,” the woman resented. Public approval for logging alone is not enough. This still requires permission from the Kaunas Municipality Department of the Environment. “The commander said he would pay the fines,” but the woman could not say who the commander was willing to pay the fines, who was not the president of the community.
Eleven birch and lime trees have been felled, and the fine for this can be as high as 4-5,000. euros. (Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis)
“They did not have permission to cut down trees,” confirmed to Kauno Diena Radeta Savickienė, head of the municipal environment department. According to the manager, due to tree felling near S.Žukausko str. He approached house 5 twice. Both were denied permission.
“We recommend finding solutions and installing a parking lot between the trees,” R.Savickienė commented on the situation. “I told the residents that if they only planned to cut down trees, to call the police.”
We recommend looking for solutions and installing a parking lot between the trees.
The president confirmed that the Environmental Protection Inspectorate of the Kaunas Department of the Environment had already started the investigation into this situation. Konstantinas Šumskas, the former chief specialist at the site, confirmed that eleven birch and lime trees had been cut. The damage caused will be evaluated and the fine for this can reach 4-5 thousand. euros.
However, the most shocking thing about this situation is that I know it is not possible, but I will pay a fine to achieve the goal at all costs.
“This is a malicious act. They have a building permit issued, which provides for the felling of trees. However, this last act still required a separate permit,” K. Šumskas assessed the situation.
The budget for the parking facility is likely to include funds for tree removal, so the mowers may have anticipated costs not only for the work performed, but also for future administrative penalties.
According to the chief specialist of the Kaunas Environmental Protection Inspectorate, the client and the contractor have been identified and will be accountable to the law.