Photo: Zuma Press – Scanpix
The coronavirus directly touched the Barça team trained by Šarūnas Jasikevičius.
The club issued an official statement saying that Kyle Kuric was in self-isolation.
The basketball player went into self-isolation after close contact with a coronavirus in Kurico’s surroundings. Kurico’s COVID-19 test itself was negative, but Barcelona decided to take additional security measures.
The basketball player will spend Sunday’s duel in the Spanish ACB championship, where Barça will face Urbas del Fuenlabrada.
Kurico’s stats for the Euroleague this season are 8.7 points (59 percent trit.), 1.3 rebounds and 8.1 utility points.
Before that, coaches Jasikevičius and Darius Maskoliūnas and team leader Nikola Mirotičius contracted coronavirus at the Barcelona club.