Babies infected with Covid-19 with only one month in Kaunas Hospital: the doctor reported on the symptoms


“We had a baby over a month old who had a Covid-19 infection. There were several cases. They got infected from those around them, from family members. All of our little patients were mild cases. We only had heavier patients among the older children, ”Dr. D. Varaškevičius told the news portal

According to the doctor, there is no specific treatment for coronavirus in young children. Covid-19 infection is a viral disease and treatment in children is practically indistinguishable.

“We treat the main symptoms: fever – usually we lower the temperature, there are signs of rehydration – he is leaking fluids. Complete symptomatic treatment as for many viral diseases.

From birth, babies have some antibodies and receive immunoglobulins for many diseases with breast milk. We see that adults in Lithuania are sick in record times and our country is leading the way. We do not have any factors to protect ourselves against this disease, which affects children as well as babies and newborns. Only in most cases do they acquire a milder form, ”said Dr. D. Varaškevičius, noting that the puppies were released home fairly quickly.

According to the doctor, babies are close to a close person, they have very close contact and if an adult contracts Covid-19, they can also transmit it to the baby through the respiratory tract.

“Our hospital gives birth to mothers who have the Covid-19 infection. Until now, the newborns were all healthy enough and were quickly discharged from our hospital, ”said the interlocutor.

On average, how many children with Covid-19 come to you per day?

On average, we have 3 or 4 children with Covid-19 infection per day. There were cases in which up to 8 children were involved.

Some children had pneumonia, which was secondary bacterial and was treated with antibiotics, anticoagulants, and oxygen therapy. These cases were more serious, but we did not have very serious cases.

Up to 2 percent. children with coronavirus. By comparison, this number is not high, but certainly not all children are protected against this infection. All the more so because we have children with serious enough chronic diseases. When Covid-19 infection adds to them, it constantly makes the underlying disease worse.

Have you noticed any unusual symptoms that would occur in children with coronavirus? Are they different from adults?

Children treated at our hospital often show signs of an upper respiratory infection that are common to many illnesses, such as the flu or others. Sometimes the intestine reacts, then vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea. Rashes, ear infections, and laryngitis can also be associated with Covid-19 disease. Sometimes there are other diseases and Covid-19 is just a comorbidity.

Covid-19 is currently very widespread in Lithuania. Children are mostly contagious to adults. Some of them don’t even attend any bands and have this infection. If parents find that the child is behaving abnormally, if there is anxiety, some exceptional symptoms, if his condition does not improve, he has a fever or other symptoms, he should consult a doctor. Remote consultations are also possible and you can come to the room to have the child examined and their condition assessed.

If parents don’t respond in time or are underestimated, the consequences for children can be bad. Now a period may occur when children have fever, runny nose, cough, and other illnesses. Infectious diseases have now decreased significantly as people tend to be subject to strict quarantine conditions, walking outside in masks everywhere, stopping all infectious diseases, including the flu.

Darius Varaškevičius

You mentioned that adults often infect children. Are children more frequently infected by family members?

Yes, it is not always in children and there are symptoms. Occasionally, an asymptomatic form develops, and only then do tests detect antibodies or produce positive responses.

There are cases where a child develops a very mild form of coronavirus or is even asymptomatic, but after 3 to 4 weeks the child’s response to the infection begins. We have already heard in the media how two patients who had a systemic immune response were treated at the Kaunas clinics when they were treated in the intensive care unit and required all resuscitation assistance. Such isolated cases occur.

There is a milder form of pain in both children and adults, but new symptoms begin to appear after a few weeks. Therefore, it is not always necessary to rejoice at the end of this disease.

Are parents allowed to be hospitalized with children suspected of having COVID-19?

Children of all ages stay with a parent, if they wish. We also have 12 year old children who are with their parents. We certainly do not separate them, because the situation is already quite complicated, also psychologically. It happens that older children are left alone, but most parents are with children.

Aren’t children afraid of doctors in weird suits? How do you explain them?

We explain to older children, children get used to it a bit. Some of the little ones see it as an attraction of some kind, like a man in disguise. When parents are around, it is very quiet for children.

But anyway, now society is used to it: everyone walks with masks, protective gear. Although doctors have more protective gear, coveralls and the like, the response is normal.

Darius Varaškevičius

What is the hardest thing about trying to control a Covid-19 infection right now?

The most difficult thing is that a part of the public does not realize the seriousness of the situation, despite the fact that there is a large amount of information. Many are infected because they do not follow the measures and do not take this situation as serious. I think that is the reason why we have so much diffusion in Lithuania.

Now is the time of Advent, it would be to wish that the whole population concentrates, holds hands, stays locked up for a while, spends as little as possible in public so that we can control this infection and then live with enough freedom. Now everyone needs concentration, concentration and execution of recommendations.

The work of the doctors working on the front line does not stop, we probably work under a higher workload, as it usually happens during the holidays.

Thank you for the interview.
