Aviation bombs and other explosives found in Kaunas were transported to Kazlų Rūda


Added at 20.22. The Kaunas police announced that at 7:30 pm. All the aerial bombs (33), bomb detonators (2), and artillery shells (14) found in Kaunas, Lakūnų pl., Were safely transported to the landfill by the Juozas Vitkus Engineering Battalion of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.

The situation, according to the available data, is safe. Evacuees may return.

Added at 7.15 p.m. At around 7 p.m., the formation of a column, an extremely dangerous explosive, which was found on Friday morning, is being prepared for transport to Kazlų Rūda, where it will be destroyed. Spec. services warn to heed warnings, make way for columns.

Start How 15 minutes Džiuginta Vaitkevičienė, a spokeswoman for the Kaunas Fire and Rescue Board, said a report was received on Friday at 10:20 in the morning that a wartime explosive had been discovered during mining work on the Kaunas Lakūnai road, 200 meters behind the railway.

A spike of an explosive about 40 cm wide protruded from the ground.

Excavation work was interrupted, the Kaunas Municipality Emergency Commission evaluated the situation on the spot. Finally, it was decided to evacuate people living within a 300 meter radius of the explosive found.

According to Kaunas County Police spokeswoman Justina Kazragytė, a family had to be evicted from their home. It will be temporarily protected by the city authorities. It is not known exactly when Kaunas residents will be able to return home, it is believed that this will happen tonight.

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Police officers guard the fenced area

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Police officers guard the fenced area

Deminers are currently working on the site and a “Shield” plan has been introduced. Police officers surrounded a certain area. Traffic is blocked on both sides and on the Pilotos Highway: the police have stretched the STOP lanes, there is no possibility of passing.

How 15 minutes assured the commander of the Juozas Vitkus Engineering Battalion Col. ltn. Pavel Jelkin, more than 20 people from the battalion are currently working on the scene and assessing the situation. A certain security zone is provided. An aviation bomb has been detected, which can weigh up to 500 kg and contain approximately 70 kg of explosives. According to P. Jelkin, such a finding in Aleksotas is not the first.

“In this situation, we have full confidence in the competence and professional work of military and police officers. We are confident that their experience thus far in implementing the” Shield “plan will be useful here. Meanwhile, the city has a duty to care for residents and ensure their safety. Evacuees will receive full accommodation. We ask all other Kaunas residents to diligently follow the instructions of the elder’s officials and employees: do not leave the house, do not approach windows. We are ready to provide all necessary assistance, “said the mayor of Kaunas, Visvaldas Matijošaitis.

According to him, it is now better to let those “findings” emerge from underground, so that when they are detected and neutralized in time, peace prevails.

“To be sure that the high-tech companies and the people who work in the Aleksotas Industrial Innovation Park will be completely safe,” added the mayor.
