Are you uncomfortable with a mask? The pharmacist showed 1 trick


It’s colder outside now, so there is more discomfort and discomfort when the inside of the mask gets foggy and wet. Camelia’s pharmacist Sigita Izmalkova has some advice for this situation.

Breathe at the usual rate and don’t rush.

The biggest inconvenience in the field of medical masks causes those who are in a hurry and breathe unevenly, notes the pharmacist S. Izmalkova.

“In a hurry, breathing becomes more frequent and exhaled air droplets collect on the mask, so if you inhale deeply and deeply, the mask can quickly get wet,” says Camelia’s pharmacist.

“Try not to rush, go evenly and breathe at the usual rate, try to breathe through your nose.”

It is best to press the mask against the nose.

Unpleasant and uncomfortable when the exhaled drops settle in the glasses and become cloudy. If the upper part of the mask, which has a flexible wire, fits snugly around your nose and the glasses are placed on the mask, you will avoid this problem.

“The mask should fit the nose as best as possible, not only for comfort, but also for safety. Only when the mask covers the mouth, chin and nose, can we expect the benefits of these protective measures”, emphasizes the pharmacist .

Pharmacist Monika Žalytė cautions that it is especially difficult to guarantee this to children for whom medical masks are too large. Therefore, the specialist showed a simple way to apply a normal-size protective mask on a small face.

Use replacement masks.

Pharmacist S. Izmalkova notes that when the mask gets wet, it is especially uncomfortable for people to wear it, there is a temptation to remove it or expose the nose, and even a wet mask no longer performs a protective function.

“I always recommend bringing spare masks together, because you don’t know when the mask will get wet or dirty, you will always have something to change, which will increase your safety and the discomfort of others,” advises the pharmacist and adds the masks.

“It is very important to leave the mask clean and I remind you to wash or disinfect your hands before applying a new mask,” Izmalkova said in a press release.

The pharmacist remembers the rules that must be followed when wearing medical (surgical) masks:

Wash your hands before applying or removing the mask, if possible, disinfect.

Attach the white side of the medical mask.

Press the metal strip of the mask against your nose according to its inclination, try to press it so that there are no gaps.

Do not touch the front of the mask to avoid contamination.

Replace the mask when it gets wet or dirty.

Dispose of the used mask in a bag.

Pharmacists, in addition to wearing masks, also remember other important measures to stop the COVID-19 virus:

Keep a safe distance from other people (1-2 years);

Wash your hands well with soap or disinfect them as often as possible;

Follow cough and sneeze etiquette (cover with a napkin or with the inside of the elbow bent);

If you experience cold symptoms, stay home;

Avoid meetings, unnecessary visits, meetings.
