An innocent walk along the seashore will loosen your wallet as needed: a fine of 500 euros for violating the quarantine


On social media, a woman shared the news that after leaving the car in the parking lot near Dutch Cap over the weekend, she received an email notifying her that she had been fined € 500 for not following quarantine rules. The woman was outraged that officials punished her “out of ambush” only after taking a photo of the car and failing to clarify the circumstances.

The situation drew ire from commentators that Klaipeda residents were unable to visit Olandas Kepurė. “Who and what threat will I pose if I inadvertently cross the city limits while walking along the beach?” Asked a Klaipda citizen rhetorically.

Andromeda Grauslienė, head of the communications subdivision of the Klaipėda County Main Police Station, reported that the fines were imposed by police officers from the city of Olandas Kepure who were not from Klaipda.

“Klaipeda city police patrols also constantly inspect public spaces, parks, beaches in the port city and are on guard near the hills, from where people like to skate. However, no one was punished for it. Officials only observed that people did not congregate, kept safe distances, and wore masks. Those who do not comply with these requirements are warned first, fines are imposed only on those who maliciously ignore the requirements, repeat offenses in the last 24 hours, because the officers record the crimes in a special application ”, explained A. Grauslienė, adding that Klaipėda residents can, and Karklė, where Olandas Kepurė is located, already belongs to the Klaipėda district.

Ernesta Badalova, Advisor to the Public Relations and Cooperation Division of the Klaip Klada District Municipality Administration, confirmed that the Municipality’s Public Order Division from December 16 to January 19. In Karklė, 66 protocols for administrative offenses were drawn up for non-compliance with quarantine requirements.

“Fines were imposed on people who did not comply with the quarantine requirements, that is, who were not in their municipality of residence, did not wear masks, met and had contact with more than one family and one member of the household. The offenses range between € 500 and € 1500. When fined for the first time, half of the minimum fine is imposed, that is, 250 euros.

It is not forbidden to visit Karklė or Olandas Kepure, but only residents of the Klaipėda district can do so. If you go to Karklė, take a document or a photo with you proving that you are a resident of the Klaipėda district, ”said the interlocutor.
