An employee who caught a fox in a jeep in the Vilnius airport territory and crossed it left his post.


According to the report, the company’s investigation showed that employees’ actions were inappropriate, inconsistent with airport rules or standards of conduct related to wildlife conservation.

“Life, no matter who, human or animal, is a value, so we considered the situation when it was taken away with many principles. We deeply regret this event, which shocked not only the community of our company, but the entire Country: Existing company procedures instruct care personnel to ensure that an animal entering the area is humanely encouraged to leave the airport area, and death is prohibited. It is true that the internal investigation revealed the need to further review and specify some procedures and procedures so that similar incidents do not have room to repeat themselves, “says Marius Gelžinis, Head of Airports in Lithuania.

At the initiative of Lithuanian airports, all information was transferred to the State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS) and the Vilnius Wildlife Inspectorate. These authorities will present their findings and the company is ready to compensate for any damage caused.

“We are already consulting with institutions responsible for the protection of wildlife and non-governmental organizations dealing with animal rights. We appreciate the possibility of purchasing additional technical equipment. We are also discussing the possibility of providing additional consultations to our operational staff, to recommend ways to help avoid similar incidents, “says M. Gelžinis.

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