However, on Monday L. Andriulis spoke again on Facebook and stated that he did not regret a single word in his comment and repeated the entire recording.
He claimed that he had been silent for two weeks, as Landsberg himself had requested, but said he would allow no further humiliation.
“I congratulate everyone once again on the victory of the right. I saw that the superscandal text that I wrote two weeks ago, word of mouth, is still valid today. Many commentators did not seem to read it, I put it on, I sign after every word and I don’t change anything, ”L. Andriulis began recording on Monday.
It is this record that G. Landsbergis himself comments, lamenting that “the gentlemen of the afternoon, the gentlemen of the keyboard write various interesting things that have nothing to do with the program of the party”, and his father and grandfather.
G.Landsberg’s father, VVLandsberg, called L. Andriulis “just a resourceful selfish who likes to show off, he’s certainly not a team / team player,” but he soon erased the record. On the night of the Delfi.lt elections, V. Landsbergis said that “he would not let such a relative pass.”

VVLandsberg registration
L. Andriulis himself does not believe he has written anything wrong, but he feels humiliated.
„I took one for the team – At Gabriel’s request, I was not late to the garbage mill and even humiliated I decided to wait until the end of the elections, for the common good.
But continue to be humiliated I will not allow it. It is not worth commenting on the behavior and words of Gabriel’s relatives, they say a lot about those people. I will only mention that the main engines of the scandal have long been, if not their efforts, childish. overreaction and unconscious comments, Širinskienė’s public relations wet dream would not have come true and it would have turned out a lot, ”says L. Andriulis.

Personal album photo album / Liudvikas Andriulis with his wife Medeina Čijauskaite
According to him, it is possible to distance oneself from a relative with different political views with different arguments and vocabulary.
“The indications that I wrote the text at 2:30 pm were not a clever argument. The text is too cohesive ”, responds the brother-in-law to G. Landsbergis’s comment that he was a gentleman of the evening keyboard.
He argues that experiencing so much humiliation by the politics of a party inconsistent with the opinion of a non-political politician was strong.
“Ultimately, the results showed that it had no effect and it couldn’t.” If I had an influence swinginti elections or single-member elections, apparently I would use it. I do not have In any case, I congratulate everyone on a wonderful victory, I am very happy with the results and, as I wrote then, welcome to the new Lithuania ”, he writes, repeating the repeated comment:
“Amazing news: TS-LKD won in a multi-member party, the party’s liberal flank ranked up, showing that the direction was correct.
The best news – the two liberal parties, especially the Freedom Party – has shown a great result – it will finally push Lithuania towards European values. Both Liberal parties will have a large and extremely influential faction in the Seimas, I think we can finally hope for the legalization of homogeneous marriages, resistance to benefits and allowances and easier immigration.
The old religious nationalists were completely annihilated and the Social Democrats were a great failure. We will not see Kirkilai, Bernatoniai, Šiaulieniai in the Seimas. Rajvilist, Juozaitininkai, Daginiai and Puteikinikai don’t even get 5% together. Many of them will not even get their bail. Stick match with Nendre remained only mocked, voters showed the door and Krivickas with Janutiene, they are unlikely to return to politics.
A second round awaits, historically with much TS LKD and liberal leadership. The peasants go to the glass, but this year they are much weaker, and the right will definitely add more mandates.
Society has changed: the Facebook generation, young and educated families living in cities have gained a lot of weight, and their voices determine Lithuania’s clear direction towards modern liberal values. In four years, Lithuania will be very different, and in 2024 the weight of young and modern people will be even greater. Provincial, nostalgia for Sovietism and populist voices were drowned out and were no longer heard.
Welcome to the new Lithuania, congratulations to all members of the liberal group. “