After the reconstruction of the intersection of Mokyklos and Tilžės streets, the residents of the Mokyklos street district are outraged that the island, which has been here for many years, is no longer available, allowing you to turn left.
“Due to road maintenance in the school district, near the Volkswagen Center, the left turn was canceled. Now all residents of our district and parents of Saulėtekis students have the only entrance and exit to the Mokyklos Street, only from Verpėjų Street There are constant traffic jams and Turn left near the Volkswagen Center, residents told Klaipeda Municipality about the problem.
It turned out that the island to turn around had to be destroyed due to traffic safety requirements.
Even two cars or a tractor could fit and not bother anyone. You now have to cross three lanes, and when the green light is on, there is a lot of traffic here.
“From this area you can still go to Mokyklos street and turn left onto Verpėjų street. Nothing has changed here. There is no left turn in the center of Volkswagen. As the intersection increased, three or even five appeared. lanes instead of two lanes. It is unsafe, “explained Valdas Švedas, Head of the Department of Construction and Infrastructure Development of the Municipality of Klaipeda.
In the past, residents entering Mokyklos Street from a side artery were able to stop quietly in a U-turn.
“It could even fit two cars or a tractor without disturbing anyone. Now you would have to cross three lanes, and when the green light is on, there is a lot of traffic here. The old dividing line was much wider.” Even five lanes, two for turns left and right, and three go in a straight line. Later, three of the five lanes remain and eventually merge into two lanes, “explained V. Švedas.
Prior to rebuilding this crossing, a road safety audit was carried out, its guidelines were followed and the design of the crossing was followed.
Neighbors themselves assured that it was no longer possible to go around Mokyklos Street.
When entering this artery from the Tilžės street side, it is only allowed to turn on the Verpėjų street itself, where traffic jams are constantly forming.
If the maneuver fails, the driver must continue and descend under the Mokyklos street viaduct.
Only here, turning left, back to Mokyklos street, you return to Bangų street, where you have to overcome another difficulty, a three-way junction, where you have to pass everyone on the main road.