After more than 20 searches by port city officials, some 300,000 euros were found


During the investigation, it was established that from January 2018 to May 2020, representatives of a private limited company operating in Klaipėda County, dedicated to the wholesale and retail trade of construction materials, sold construction materials to individuals, whose sale was not recorded in the company accounts. To corroborate the goods sold to individuals and sales not recorded in the accounts, VAT invoices were issued, in which obviously incorrect data was entered that the construction materials purchased by individuals were allegedly acquired in addition to accounting documents by four others. private corporations involved in construction and renovation. .

Therefore, it is suspected that such private limited company possibly produces and uses false documents during the mentioned period, i.e. invoices and fraudulently cancels the payment of value added tax to the budget of the Republic of Lithuania at least EUR 57,277. Companies involved in false VAT invoices have increased their costs and reduced their profits, from which they must pay income tax to the budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

On May 13, in Klaipėda County and the city, officials from the Economic Crime Investigation Board conducted 21 searches of the company’s facilities, the suspects’ residences and their cars, during which officers found e They seized some 300,000 euros of potentially unaccounted cash.
