Afghans detained at the ECHR detained in Lithuania: border guards decide what to do with migrants


In one such case, they not only met with an attorney representing them, but also contacted officials from the State Border Guard Service.

Proof of this is the video held by Delfi, the photos of the meeting and the record of the location of the mobile phones.

As far as we know, Afghans cannot see their lawyer.

“One of the officials did not allow a lawyer to contact those people who do not have their own identity documents.

<...> Representatives of the Human Rights Surveillance Institute called, who also arrived at the scene, “said journalist V. Danauskienė in a live broadcast.

Goda Jurevičiūtė, a representative of the Human Rights Monitoring Institute, was also unable to contact the Afghans. The woman wanted to deliver food and other necessary items to the Afghans.

Afghan lawyer Asta Astrauskienė told BNS that the border guards’ decision to transport them to the firewall is “the best thing that could have happened” in this situation.

“The most important thing for me was that they receive first aid, (…) be in a safe place, be it in a tent or on a firebreak. The most important thing is that they do not die, ”said the lawyer.

“If they are actually transported to the firewall, fine, let them collect evidence that they were in Lithuania on September 5,” he added.

A. Astrauskienė claimed that after trying to detain the migrants on Tuesday night, he tried to contact them, but when the Afghans picked up the phone, the border guards informed them that they could not speak to a lawyer.

Afghans detained at the ECHR detained in Lithuania: border guards decide what to do with migrants

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

This year, more than 4.1 thousand people entered Lithuania through the border with Belarus. illegal migrants.

Officials are reported to have turned up here at night and asylum procedures are starting.

“They are detained 240 meters from the border with Belarus, there is a state border protection zone,” Giedrius Mišutis, spokesman for the State Border Guard Service, told BNS.

According to him, the migrants will now be transported to the Pushu border firewall, where they will be provided with necessary medical and other assistance.

According to G. Mišutis, officials will later decide whether the migrants will be sent back to Belarus or left in Lithuania.

Filmed the conversation at the fulcrum

“We will return them to the Republic of Belarus, and to the Republic of Belarus, because I understand that they arrived there legally, to the Republic of Belarus, and we will let them go to the border checkpoint of the Republic of Lithuania in that country.”

Afghans detained at the ECHR detained in Lithuania: border guards decide what to do with migrants

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

These words of an official of the Lithuanian State Border Guard Service recorded on video allow the almost irrefutable assumption that the five Afghan citizens who had a dispute with Lithuania with the European Court of Human Rights were already physically present on the territory of Lithuania. .

If this is confirmed, it would be difficult for Lithuania to defend its position in the ECHR on why the foreigners were returned from Lithuania, as they have a court decision favorable to them.

Afghans detained at the ECHR detained in Lithuania: border guards decide what to do with migrants

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

The SBGS and the Government have so far stated otherwise, and assured that they are gathering evidence to demonstrate in a response to the ECHR that these citizens did not enter the territory of Lithuania and that Lithuania has the right not to admit them, despite the decision of the ECHR. .

Delphi publishes said video.

Communicated on the territory of Lithuania.

The fact of communication between the Afghans, their lawyer and SBGS officials on the territory of Lithuania took place last Thursday, September 9.

The communication, which lasted about half a day, took place on the territory of the Pūškės border firebreak of the Ignalina border team, at border foothold no. 8 building.

This place is the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. It is more than a kilometer from there to the geographical border of the state with Belarus, and there are Lithuanian farms in this area.

Afghans spent a few days in the forest near these farms from September 5 to 9.

A lawyer representing them appealed to the ECHR on September 7, which ruled in favor of the Afghans on September 8, and on September 9 the refugees met with lawyer Asta Astrauskiene at the border.

“They sent me a location from a cell phone map search engine where they are. I went with my assistant to the Ignalina district, the Rimšė eldership, near the village of Navikai. Driving down the highway, at the intersection of two exterior roads, to my left I saw a building with an inscription that testified to border foothold no. 8. There was no such thing in him, I passed, no one stopped me, even though I was driving further, towards the wall. About 400-500 meters from the intersection, the place where the base is located, I met with my clients, handed them the decisions of the Court and told them that I would invite the officers because they needed to be briefed on the situation. We returned to the foothold, I telephoned the Pūškai firewall when two border guard officers came out of the building, the foothold. They were there, no doubt, and I was walking past them because time was too short to come from anywhere. There was no official car. If I had seen the border guards at the point, I definitely would have stopped to explain where I was going. In fact, they were the ones who had to stop me, check my documents, ask where I was going. There are Lithuanian farms and farms there, ”said Delfi, a lawyer.

There are no signs in the video that the territory in which the group of people is located is not Lithuania, as well as the fact that it is a section marked by special border columns between state borders, the so-called footprint strip.

The video also does not show Belarusian officials or border signs with Belarusian state symbols.

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