A source for Šiauliai politicians who have lost their source for almost a million euros


The Šiauliai government justified itself, allegedly choosing such a public procurement method, because it had no other choice. Because the source is in the area given to the current contractor, another company will not purchase the same cover and some of the work is already done.

The VPN experts rejected these arguments, saying that the excuses only justified the convenience for the client and the contractor to continue with the work. The findings pointed out that there were no reasons why another contractor couldn’t install the facility.

“We will analyze the legal practice,” said Antanas Bartulis, director of the municipal administration of the city of Šiauliai.

Price has risen 33 times

The fountain near the Šiauliai hotel with the sculpture “Three Birds” by the sculptor Kazys Kasperavičius was installed in 1981. Now it had to be rebuilt together with the boulevard of Tilžės str. to the stretch of Draugystės Avenue.

The Infes company, which won the € 6 million reconstruction tender, had planned LTL 27.2 thousand to renew this source. euros. According to unofficial data, the initiative to change the project and install a particularly luxurious fountain belongs to Mayor Artūras Visockas.

According to sources, the mayor presented this idea to the coalition that governs the city at the end of last year, and a possible Poolservice subcontractor also participated in the meeting. It was then argued that an additional € 0.4 to 0.6 million should be allocated. euros.

At a council meeting in February, politicians voted in favor of a luxury fountain, but it became clear in the summer that the money allocated would not be enough.

Therefore, an additional amount of one hundred thousand has been assigned, which has increased 33 times from the initial moment to 906 thousand euros.

I didn’t want a modest font

The deluxe version of the font was legalized in July this year. Due to a fundamentally modified part of the project, a contract was signed with the contractor. It is true that by then he had already done some clandestine work.

When asked how the new font was different from the original version, A. Bartulis said it was a completely different device, because the city council did not want a modest font and decided to give the city a different one. The head of administration added that the Šiauliai fountain will be no worse than in Panevėžys.

According to the director, it is impossible to compare the old and the new project, because the last option is a fountain of different possibilities, with other nozzles, heights, colors.

When asked to indicate the authors of the idea, the head of administration refused to do so: “Don’t pressure me to name names.”

A. Bartulis admitted that he did not know whether he would choose to sue VPT or announce a new tender. In any case, the jets from the new fountain will no longer be visible this year, as the fountains are normally closed for the winter in mid-October.

The mayor cares about philosophy

At the time, Mayor A. Visock did not participate in the conversation about the future of the fountain. It is true that politicians who like to express themselves on social networks have spoken in public about this device, which is planned together with a private hotel. According to A.Visockas, there will be a very beautiful font with an artistic accent.

The politician assured that the objective is to revitalize the renewed part of the boulevard (uncorrected language. – Ed.): The tomb of Stasys Šalkauskis, but most importantly – his philosophy ”.


Šiauliai politicians longed for the many times more expensive fountain next to a private hotel.
