A member of “Cousins ​​Aliukai and Sister” who emptied the bottle with a friend caused an accident: after receiving a painful lesson, he asked for only one


Damaged the car, cursed his owner’s friend

K. Valionis, who was 60 years old, got drunk on December 14, when his Audi A8 in Vilainiai village, Kėdainiai district, damaged the Audi A4 parked in the yard next to the apartment building.

One of the inhabitants of this town saw how around 5 pm 50 min. In the yard, an Audi crashes into a neighbor’s car parked nearby. Seeing what had happened, the witness ran to the neighbor, they both left.

Later, the two men stated that they recognized K. Valionis, who was sitting behind the wheel of an Audi A8, wearing a black coat and trousers of the same color. K. Valionis got out of the car window, but according to witnesses, he denied doing anything.

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The owner of the crashed car later mentioned that he intended to resolve the situation without police intervention; both drivers wanted to complete the accident statements, so they pulled the cars.

“After pulling the cars, I noticed that K. Valionis started a conflict with my friend, he used uncensored words towards her, so I called the police officers. When I called the General Assistance Center, K. Valionis left the scene in an unclear direction, ”says the case file.

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© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

The second hit, even more for a thousand

Upon arrival, the police found K. Valionis, there is no evidence in the event that he had left. The police officers had no doubt that K. Valionis, who was sitting behind the wheel of an Audi A8 and damaged another car, was very drunk.

“The act of determining intoxication recorded that K. Valion was found to have signs of intoxication: odor of alcohol from the mouth, inappropriate behavior, incoherent speech, uncoordinated movements, going in a straight line, not foot after foot,” we wrote in the case.

It appears that a well-known politician and artist from the Kėdainiai district was sitting behind the wheel and the accident was caused by drinking a lot of alcohol.

6 pm 30 minutes. He blew 2.55 per thousand into the breathalyzer, and after half an hour of repeating the test, the meter already read 2.85 per thousand.

K. Valionis was arrested and spent the night in police custody. It was only released the next day at 1pm 51 min.

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He did not deny drunkenness, but he did not betray the drinker

As K. Valionis was found to have a drunkenness of more than 1.51 per thousand, a pre-trial investigation into drunk driving and the cause of the accident was initiated, that is, criminal proceedings were initiated.

The interviewed officials K. Valionis did not deny his guilt and regret it. A well-known figure from the Kėdainiai district admitted it on December 14. He visited his friend, whose first and last name he did not want to say.

According to K. Valionis, he and his friend were drinking, and after emptying the 0.7-liter bottle of vodka, the friend asked to be taken to the bus stop, because he was going to Panevėžys.

The drunk K. Valionis got behind the wheel of the car, stopped his friend and, after a while, got his call. The man consoled himself that the bus had not arrived. Then, depending on the case, K. Valionis decided to turn around and go back, but obstructed another car and was finally stopped by summoned police officers.

He accepted the punishment and asked for only one thing

As K. Valionis, who had been convicted in the past, greatly regretted his actions and did not deny his guilt, it was decided to close the case with a criminal court order.

Especially since K. Valionis himself agreed with the punishment proposed by the prosecutor: confiscation of the Audi A8, which had become a criminal tool, deprivation of the right to drive and a thousand fines.

K. Valionis insured on his car, which he bought 4 years ago and took a loan from the Big Bank for this purpose, having paid about 6 thousand. euros. It is true that for the moment its value is a little different. The certificate from the public institution Emprekis states that the price of the Audi A8 manufactured in 2004, VAT included, reaches 4 thousand. 440 euros.

After accepting the proposed punishment, the fine and the confiscation of the car, the Kėdainiai politician asked the court for only one thing: to set the longest possible deadline for the payment of the fine.

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Both the car and the right to drive were lost

“It is an extenuating circumstance that the defendant pleaded guilty and expressed his sincere remorse. No aggravating circumstances have been established, ”reads the criminal order of the Kaunas District Court.

Since K. Valionis himself did not deny his guilt, he pleaded completely guilty and the case was closed with a criminal order, the Penal Code allowed the sentence to be reduced by one third. Thus, the prosecutor asked for 3,000. The fine was reduced to 2,000 euros. euros. And including the detention time, the final fine was 1,000. 900 euros, to be paid by K. Valionis within 10 months.

The Kėdainiai district politician also lost the Audi A8, a car recognized as a criminal tool, which was confiscated and lost the right to drive for two years.

If K. Valionis still does not agree with the punishment, you have the right to request a court hearing within 14 days of receipt of the document. If this right is not exercised, the criminal order enters into force and is not appealable.

K. Valionis has been elected to the Kėdainiai District Municipal Council since 2003. He also represented the New Union, the Labor Party, the Civic Democracy Party, and in 2019 he joined the Kiniadainiai District Municipal Council with the committee of public elections “Team Valentinas Tamulis – for the success of our country”.

In the electoral questionnaire, K. Valionis stated that he worked as an art director at the Truskava Cultural Center.

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